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2024 Vol. 45, No. 7
Published: 2024-07-28

929 Research on Fabrication of Flexible Superconducting Circuits
ZHU Chengfeng,LI Wan,CHEN Jian,SUN Xiaoying,ZENG Jiusun,CAI Jinhui,WANG Zhenyu,LI Jinjin,WANG Xueshen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.01
The superconducting transition edge sensor (TES) is the key device for the quantum reproduction of the Candela (Cd) unit and single energy X-ray quantum metrology. Transferring the signal from the large-scale TES array to the readout superconducting quantum interference device (SQUID) electronics on the side of the sensor unit relies on the flexible superconducting circuits. Superconducting transmission lines are fabricated on a flexible polyimide substrate for the low thermal conductivity and resistance-free signal transmission. A silicon (Si) wafer is used as a temporary supporting substrate, and a 100nm Cr film as the sacrificial layer to release the polyimide (PI) film is e-beam evaporated on the Si. Polyimide acid is spin-coated on the Cr film and cured to form the PI film. The Nb/Al thin film transmission lines are fabricated onto the PI film by UV exposure, sputtering and lift-off processes. Then the PI film is released from the silicon substrate due to the high tensile stress of the Cr film, and then the Cr film is wet etched to complete the preparation of flexible superconducting circuits. The superconducting transition temperature Tc of the measured 40Nb/Al transmission lines are 8.9.~9.02K, and the residual resistance ratio(rRR,r300K/r10K)are 5.83~6.96. At 8K, the critical current Ic of 38samples is greater than 1mA. At 4.2K, the Ic of all the samples is greater than 1mA, of which 25samples are larger than 10mA. The Tc and Ic satisfy the requirement of the signal transmission of the TES arrays.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 929-934 [Abstract] ( 104 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (606 KB)  ( 14 )
935 Multiple Inductive Current Dividers Calibration on Equipotential Working Condition
YANG Di,LIN Jun,ZHANG Jiangtao,SHI Zhaomin,PAN Xianlin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.02
A method for calibration of multiple inductive current dividers (MICD) is proposed.The I/V converter consisting of a voltage follower and a resistor is introduced in the calibration circuit, resulting in the same status for the current ratio of the branches of the MICD both in the calibration and the actual working condition.The MICD with 11 branches has been calibrated compared with an independent reference current provided by a reference current transformer (CT) used to avoid the influence on the current ratio of the branches.The MICD were calibrated at 20、 55、 400Hz and 1kHz.The results showed that the measurement standard uncertainty of ratio errors were better than 0.2μA/A and phase errors were better than 1.5μrad at the ratio of 10:1.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 935-940 [Abstract] ( 64 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (441 KB)  ( 3 )
941 Research on Dynamic Inclination Angle Identification of Monorail Transportation Robot Based on Fuzzy Entropy Weighted Fusion
LIU Zechao,LI Jingzhao,ZHENG Changlu,WANG Guofeng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.03
For the problem of low identification accuracy in detecting the dynamic inclination angle of monorail robots, a precise identification method for the dynamic inclination angle of monorail transport robot based on fuzzy entropy weighted fusion is proposed. Firstly, based on the constructed dual model of orbit curvature and inclination angle change, the improved forgetting recursive least squares (IFFRLS) algorithm is used to calculate the dynamic change rate of orbit curvature and inclination angle respectively. Secondly, taking the orbit curvature value and the dynamic change rate of inclination angle as input values, the extended Kalman filter (EKF) and unscented Kalman filter (UKF) algorithms are used to iteratively update and calculate the dynamic angle of inclination angle respectively. Finally, the global fuzzy entropy weighted fusion (GFEWF) is used to deeply fuse the angle values to improve the detection accuracy of dynamic inclination angle. The experiments show that the global fuzzy entropy weighted fusion (GFEWF) algorithm based on double model improves the identified dynamic inclination accuracies in rail segment 1 and rail segment 2 by 10.38% and 25.60% on average, respectively, compared with the single model-based UKF or EKF algorithms.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 941-951 [Abstract] ( 51 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1100 KB)  ( 5 )
952 Two-stage Point Cloud Reconstruction Based on Improved Attention Mechanism and Surface Differential Geometry
WANG Kai,CHEN Hui,CHEN Lianming,HUANG Heping,CHEN Xiaolin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.04
The straight-through structure of direct prediction of point clouds in a single stage will lead to relatively sparse point clouds, unclear details and uneven distribution of results. Therefore, a 2-stage dense point cloud reconstruction network based on improved attention mechanism and local surface differential geometry is proposed, which can realize phased prediction of dense point clouds with different resolutions and uniform distribution. Firstly, the coordinate attention mechanism is improved by embedding to improve the networks ability to perceive the direction of the target and capture the coordinate information in the input image. Then, the sparse point cloud of the target is predicted, and the dense connection features of the sparse point cloud are extracted to obtain the structural perception information describing the sparse point cloud. Finally, the local surface differential geometry is used to complete the point cloud expansion, and then generate a dense point cloud with uniform distribution. The experimental results show that compared with 3D-FEGNet, the proposed dense point cloud reconstruction network reduces by 25.4% and 25.1% on CD and EMD, respectively. The three-dimensional dimensional errors of point clouds obtained by experiments with real objects are all less than 1.5mm.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 952-963 [Abstract] ( 67 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (954 KB)  ( 8 )
964 Chromatographic Signal Baseline Correction Based on Piecewise Cubic Curve and Data Updating
CHEN Jinlin,WU Yiquan,YUAN Yubin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.05
In the process of using polynomial curves to piecewise fitting the baseline of measurement signals, there are frequent defects where the piecewise points affect the fitting accuracy and operational speed. A new baseline correction algorithm for chromatographic signals based on piecewise cubic curves and data updating was proposedto solve the problems.Firstly, a piecewise cubic function is constructed based on five consecutive points to fit the measured signal.This piecewise cubic function has the advantage of low order smoothness and can effectively overcome the defect of piecewisepoints affecting fitting accuracy.Then, in order to reduce the number of iterations of the baseline correction algorithm and increase computational speed, an improved data updating method is proposed.In each iteration process, the peak values of the original measured signals above the baseline are reversed in a certain proportion to update the baseline, while others remain unchanged.The calculation time ratio of the algorithm before and after improvement is approximately 71. Finally, the new algorithm proposed is compared with five existing related algorithms. The experimentalresults show that the baseline correction algorithm based on segmented cubic curves and data updating has high approximation to the baseline and is fast.The new baseline correction algorithm in this paper has been applied in practical applications in liquid chromatography. It proves that this algorithm can effectively remove the baseline from the source chromatographic signals.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 964-973 [Abstract] ( 49 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (810 KB)  ( 21 )
974 A Vehicle Detection Algorithm Based on Improved YOLOv5s from the Aerial Perspective
ZHANG Liguo,SHEN Minghao,JIN Mei,REN Tingting,ZHAO Jiashi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.06
To solve the problem of small vehicle target detection in aerial images, a vehicle detection algorithm based on improved YOLOv5s from the aerial perspective is proposed. The unused shallow feature information is further fused with other deep feature information to compose a new detection layer for small target detection to enhance the detection capability of small targets. The CSP module is combined with the space-to-depth (SPD) module to form the SPD-CSP module, which replaces the downsampling operation of the original network and reduces the loss of practical information of small targets during feature extraction. Furthermore, the efficient channel attention (ECA) module, a channel attention mechanism, is introduced into the Backbone part. To do so, the network will pay more attention to the vital information in the feature graph and reduce the interference of irrelevant information by adaptively adjusting the weight coefficients of different feature channels. The experimental results show that the proposed algorithm improves the mean average precision PmAP0.5by 6.4% on the VisDrone dataset compared to the YOLOv5s network, and the detection speed FPS reaches 65 frames per second, which enables real-time and accurate detection of aerial vehicles.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 974-981 [Abstract] ( 70 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (813 KB)  ( 7 )
982 Gaze Estimation Method Based on Coordinate Attention and Spiking Neural Network
WANG Hongxia,ZHAO Zhiguo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.07
The problems of dynamic blur and low temporal resolution in capturing eye movements with traditional cameras are addressed by employing an event camera for close-range capture and constructing a spiking-eye dataset. A spiking neural network model with a coordinate attention referred to as CA-SpikingRepVGG. The model reads encoded event data and performs feature extraction using the attention-based backbone network, followed by detection using the detection head. Experimental results demonstrate that CA-SpikingRepVGG achieves a mean average precision RP of 70.8%. Compared to SpikingVGG-16, the model shows a 15.9% improvement in RP and a 14.2% increase in Rr. With only one-third of the training time required by SpikingDensenet, the model achieves a 1.8% improvement in RP and a 0.9% improvement in Rr. These results indicate that the proposed model exhibits stronger eye detection and tracking capabilities in the context of eye movement, effectively accomplishing gaze estimation tasks.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 982-988 [Abstract] ( 48 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (493 KB)  ( 4 )
989 Structure Improvement and Test Analysis of Water Calorimeter Based on Micro-channel Cooling
WEN Peng,CHEN Lianzhong,CHEN Ding,CHEN Zhiming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.08
The aerodynamic heating environment encountered during hypersonic flight or reentry from space is severe in which the highest temperature can even reach 10000℃, resulting in a failure of commonly used calorimeterts showing great heat flux testing performance and thermal load viability .An new water calorimeter based on micro-channel cooling was developed in order to solve the problem of continuous and accurate measurement of high heat flux on the surface of high supersonic aircraft in ground test, which was prepared by 3D printing. Based on the numerical simulation, the size and configuration of the new water calorimeter was optimized. Comparing to traditional water calorimeter, the temperature rise of the core area is reduced by 50 percent under the same cold-wall heat flux, which illustrates the test and survival ability of micro-channel water calorimeter in extreme thermal environment. Finally, the arc heated jet test was carried out, which shows that the micro-channel water calorimeter could measure pressure and temperature and heat flow parameters synchronously with great local response characteristics, which could realize the integrated recognition of high temperatures flow field parameters. Furthermore, its maximum heat flow measurement range is over 18MW/m2, and the absolute deviation and average deviation of the sensor is less than 3.44% and ±1.72% respectively.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 989-996 [Abstract] ( 51 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (842 KB)  ( 4 )
997 Surface Temperature Field Reconstruction Based on Multi-view Thermal Image Sequence
BI Chunkai,ZHANG Yuanhui,FU Duo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.09
The surface temperature field model effectively reflects the temperature distribution on the surface of the object. Since the image information collected from one single viewpoint cannot cover the entire object, it is difficult to reconstruct the temperature field of the entire object surface. Additionally, in the temperature field model, the presence of non-target objects can affect temperature model analysis. A method for reconstructing the objects surface temperature field based on a multi-view thermal image sequence was proposed. Firstly, a semantic segmentation algorithm was employed to extract the contours of the target object from visible light images, and then the fusion of the single view temperature point cloud of the target object was achieved by combining depth data with temperature information from the thermal image. Subsequently, the method of multi-view image data and multi-view temperature point cloud stitching was adopted, and the initial stitching of the temperature point cloud was carried out using the poses of cameras from various viewpoints, the multi-view LM-ICP algorithm was applied to optimize the registration of the global temperature point cloud. Experimental results show that the method effectively reconstructs the object surface temperature field model, and has small size error(2.61mm) and temperature errors(0.56℃).
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 997-1006 [Abstract] ( 44 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1083 KB)  ( 12 )
1007 A Method for Compensating the Temperature Field of Friction Stir Welding by Using Adaptive Emissivity
ZHANG Yucun,XU Ziqi,LI Qun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.10
Aiming at the problem that most of the current research on the temperature field of friction stir welding ignores the effect of thermal radiation or adopts the fixed emissivity model, which leads to large errors, an adaptive emissivity model considering the growth process of aluminum alloy oxide film on rough surface is proposed to compensate the welding temperature field. Firstly, considering the dynamic change of the surface morphology of aluminum alloy during friction stir welding, the quadratic surface response method was used to determine the welding surface roughness and the number of intersections with the average unit length of the average line. Subsequently, a fully coupled finite element model of 6061 aluminum alloy friction stir welding process was established based on the proposed adaptive emissivity, and the simulation results were analyzed. The results show that the maximum absolute error between the results obtained under different welding conditions and the experimental results is only 11K, which indicates that the numerical model with adaptive emissivity can well reproduce the temperature field in the welding process.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1007-1014 [Abstract] ( 43 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (644 KB)  ( 5 )
1015 Research on Optimal Amplitude of Coriolis Mass FlowmeterBased on Experimental Data Analysis
HUANG Ya,XU Kejun,LIU Chenci
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.11
In response to the difficulty in determining the optimal amplitude and achieving the best measurement effect of the Coriolis mass flowmeter, the test was carried out by matching the developed transmitter with the primary instrument with excellent performance. The signals were collected under different amplitudes to analyze the impact of amplitude on the performance of the Coriolis mass flowmeter from the perspectives of amplitude stability, waveform distortion, signal power spectrum, signal-to-noise ratio, and system driving efficiency. The water flow calibration experiments were conducted with different amplitudes to determine the optimal amplitude based on indication error and repeatability. The results show that as the amplitude increases, waveform distortion becomes more severe, higher harmonic components also increase, and the noise signal power also shows an increasing trend, thereby affecting the signal-to-noise ratio and reducing the driving efficiency. However, if the amplitude is too small, it will exacerbate the amplitude fluctuation of the amplified signal of the sensor and affect the measurement results. Therefore, the optimal amplitude for this flowmeter is approximately 439mV.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1015-1023 [Abstract] ( 42 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (691 KB)  ( 9 )
1024 Flow Pattern Identification of CO2 Gas-liquid Two-phase Flow Based on Multiscale Entropy Analysis
ZHANG Wenbiao,WANG Ganghua,SHAO Ding,ZHANG JieZHANG Wenbiao,WANG Ganghua,SHAO Ding,ZHANG Jie
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.12
A group of electrode pairs that are most sensitive to the change of flow patterns are selected from four-electrode concave sensor to obtain capacitance time series from different flow patterns of CO2 gas-liquid two-phase flow and capacitance time series are analyzed with multi-scale entropy (MSE). Three characteristics in the multiscale entropy curve, which are front multiscale entropy rate, middle multiscale entropy rate, terminal multiscale entropy intercept,are used to identify the flow pattern under different gas-liquid two-phase flow conditions. The identification results are compared with the real flow pattern from two-phase flow pictures obtained by the high-speed camera. The results show that the dynamic characteristics of two-phase flow can be fully represented by the multiscale entropy curve of the capacitance time series and the four flow patterns of stratified flow, slug flow, bubble flow and churn flow can be identified using the three characteristics of the multiscale entropy curve with the accuracy of more than 99%.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1024-1030 [Abstract] ( 37 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (617 KB)  ( 4 )
1031 Thermal Characteristics Analysis for Electric Torque WrenchCalibration Device with Thermal Contact Conductance
GAO Jianzhuo,WANG Ningxi,CHEN Long,LUO Xin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.13
In order to improve the measurement accuracy of dynamic torque, based on fractal theory, thermal contact conductance parameter was introduced to establish thermal contact conductance model of joint surfaces, and numerical simulation was carried out. Also, for a typical electric torque wrench calibration device, the model was used to simulate the temperature of its bearing joint and compared with experimental results. The results showed that: the thermal contact conductance is positively correlated with the contact load and material properties, but negatively correlated with the scale parameters, when 2.1≤D≤2.7, the thermal contact conductance increases with the increase of fractal dimension D, when 2.7≤D≤2.9, it decreases with the increase of fractal dimension D. Considering the thermal contact conductance, the maximum temperature of the bearing joints were 4~6℃ higher than that without consideration. And it was close to the experimental results, with relative errors of 2.7% and 3.3%, respectively.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1031-1037 [Abstract] ( 57 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (609 KB)  ( 8 )
1038 Fault Diagnosis of High-speed Train Yaw Dampers Based on One-dimensional Residual Convolutional Attention
CHEN Guang,SUN Zeming,MA Wenda,ZHANG Wan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.14
To address the challenge of difficulty in fault identification caused by manually extracting fault characteristics from high-speed train dampeners, a fault diagnosis algorithm based on one-dimensional residual convolutional attention (1DRCA) is proposed. This algorithm is designed to recognize the four states in the yaw damper of high-speed trains. Firstly, a convolutional layer is constructed for feature extraction, utilizing the convolutional block attention module to adaptively optimize features in both channel and spatial dimensions. Additionally, a residual neural network model is established, adjusting weight parameters using residual information. The experimental validation demonstrates the feasibility of this method for recognizing the four states of the yaw damper, accurately identifying normal, poor startup, symmetry rate faults, and sawtooth faults, with the proposed method achieving an average accuracy rate of approximately 99%. To further substantiate the model's generalization capability, fault data from rolling bearings is employed to validate the effectiveness and accuracy of the proposed model. The results indicate that the proposed model effectively diagnoses different fault states in rolling bearings.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1038-1045 [Abstract] ( 34 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (894 KB)  ( 3 )
1046 Research on the Measurement Method of Restitution Coefficient for Rubber Balls in Architectural Acoustics
LI Yubin,YAN Jianwei,LUO Hao,YU Ling
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.15
The rubber ball is a hollow sphere, used for architectural acoustics measurements to simulate the sound and vibration generated by human activities.The recovery coefficient is an important parameter for measuring the characteristics of the rubber ball.To measure the recovery coefficient of the rubber ball accurately,quickly,and easily,a measurement method and system construction are introduced.The measurement system consists of a multi-channel signal analyzer,an accelerometer,a PC computer with software,and a testing fixture.The system captures the time-domain signals of the rubber ball in real-time and processes them to calculate the measurement values.Two measurement methods for the recovery coefficient are provided as reference comparisons,taking into account the errors caused by the measurement environment (based on initial height and arbitrary height).The experimental results show that the recovery coefficients obtained from both methods at three different preset heights (0.8m,1m,1.2m) fall within the allowable error range (0.8±0.1), demonstrating the feasibility of both methods. The two proposed rubber ball restitution coefficient measurement methods have the characteristics of simple structure, accurate measurement and high efficiency. In particular, the method of calculating the rubber ball restitution coefficient using the bounce collision time difference is simple and easy to implement and has good engineering practicability.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1046-1054 [Abstract] ( 48 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (508 KB)  ( 5 )
1055 Research on ADCP Pool Calibration Methodology
LUO Hui,JIAO Junsheng,TAO Ran,SHI Zhanhong,FANG Weihua,LIU Jianyao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.16
A method for calibration of acoustic Doppler current profile (ADCP) in laboratory anechoic pool is proposed. By transmitting the simulation echo signal, the frequency and delay time are used to realize the magnitude traceability, and then the velocity and depth are calibrated. A set of ADCP pool calibration system was developed. Using 2-beam 614.4kHz ADCP as calibration object, different velocity distributions were designed to realize velocity calibration of water layer, and the calibration under non-limiting bottom tracking signal was explored. Multi-beam and single-beam comparison experiments were designed. The results show that the maximum uncertainty is 2.30mm /s at 0~ 2.5m /s, which verifies the feasibility of this method.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1055-1063 [Abstract] ( 61 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (799 KB)  ( 10 )
1064 Broadband ADCP Flow Rate Calibration System Based on FPGA
CHEN Yiji,GUO Shixu,WANG Xiaobo,JIAO Junsheng,ZHAO Peng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.17
The ADCP (acoustic Doppler velocity profiler) can use the method of acoustic response and emission of simulated echoes to carry out flow calibration,but the calibration accuracy and the lower limit of calibration flow velocity are affected by the system clock precision.At present,the ADCP flow calibration system based on this method is difficult to calibrate the small flow velocity of less than 1 m/s.To provides a low-cost,water pool environment implementable broadband ADCP flow calibration system scheme,which is to design a broadband ADCP flow calibration system based on FPGA,collect and process the ADCP transmitted acoustic wave signal,and then transmit the simulated echo signal carrying water flow velocity information to the ADCP.By comparing the simulated velocity value with the actual output value,the flow calibration of the ADCP can be realized.The calibration system uses DDS+PLL (direct digital frequency synthesis and phase-locked frequency synthesis) technology to synthesize high-precision clock signals.The clock signals drive signal acquisition and playback to generate high-precision simulated echo signals.Finally,in a small anechoic water pool,the calibration experiments are carried out for the broadband ADCP with a center frequency of 300 kHz in the small flow velocity range of (0.2~1)m/s.The results show that the measurement uncertainty of this calibration system reaches (0.5% simulated flow velocity + 0.005)m/s,which verifies the reliability of the calibration system.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1064-1072 [Abstract] ( 54 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (606 KB)  ( 12 )
1073 Comprehensive Experimental Design of Transition Metal Catalyst CoxNi1-xTiO3 Activated Persulfate for Removal of Pollutants From Water
CHENG Yuanyuan,ZANG Meng,QI Hongbin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.18
The advanced oxidation technology based on persulfate (PMS) has the characteristics of high efficiency and environmental friendliness, which has a very good application prospect in the field of water treatment. A series of heterogeneous catalysts CoxNi1-xTiO3 with different Co/Ni ratios were prepared by using the method of glycol precipitation-calcination by taking advantage of the synergistic activation of PMS among transition metals. The phase and microstructure of the catalyst were analyzed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). At the same time, the effects of catalyst dosage, PMS concentration, pH value and catalyst recycling on the degradation of Ciprofloxacin (CIP) were investigated. The optimal conditions were 0.20g/L Co0.7Ni0.3TiO3, 0.5mmol/L PMS and pH=6. The efficiency of CIP degradation was 90.01% within 60min. The experiment of free radical quenching confirmed that SO·-4 is the main active species in the process of advanced oxidative degradation.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1073-1080 [Abstract] ( 41 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (766 KB)  ( 7 )
1081 Comparative Study on DON Purity Analysis Based on UPLC with DAD Coupled to CAD
WANG Songshan,LEI Da,JIA Ruihui,LI Li,ZHOU Minghui,WANG Songxue
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2024.07.19
An ultra-high performance liquid chromatography with diode array detector coupled to charged aerosol detector (UPLC-DAD/CAD) method was established for comparative study on deoxynivalenol (DON) purity analysis.The optimized chromatographic condition was isocratic elution with 6% methanol for 20 minutes.There were obvious differences in the types and amounts of impurities detected by the two detectors.17 impurities were identified by DAD with impurity 15 accounting for the highest proportion (0.847%), following by impurity 17 (0.0812%) and impurities 2, 5 and 8 (above 0.01%).9 impurities were identified by CAD with impurity 17 accounting for the highest proportion (0.4060%), following by impurity 15 (0.3499%) and impurities 10, 11 and 12 (above 0.1%).The purity obtained by DAD detection method was 98.92%, significantly higher than that obtained by CAD detection method (98.61, p<0.001).And the relative standard deviation of DAD method (0.00670%) was also lower than that of the CAD method (0.0461%).The measurement uncertainty of purity by the DAD method was 0.463%, mainly introduced by response differences of the impurities; while it was 0.0503% for the CAD method, which was mainly introduced by measurement repeatability.The results may be helpful for the chromatographic purity analysis of DON.
2024 Vol. 45 (7): 1081-1088 [Abstract] ( 45 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (545 KB)  ( 7 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech