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2021 Vol. 42, No. 1
Published: 2021-01-28

1 Review of Michelson Laser Interferometer for Micro Displacement Measurement
WANG Dong,CUI Jian-jun,ZHANG Fu-min,MIN Shuai-bo,CHEN Kai
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.01
Michelson interferometry can achieve nanometer or even higher resolution, and can be directly traced to laser wavelength and many other advantages. It is an important technical measure of micro displacement measurement at present. Aiming at various laser interferometric techniques based on Michelson interferometer principle are classified and introduced. The interferometric measurement techniques to achieve sub-nanometer accuracy and resolution in micro-displacement measurement are mainly discussed. Finally, the development trend of laser micro displacement measurement is prosected in future.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 1-8 [Abstract] ( 465 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3314 KB)  ( 1370 )
9 A Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Beetle Antennae Search for Flatness Error Evaluation
LIU Chao,WANG Chen,ZHONG Yu-ning
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.02
A particle swarm optimization algorithm based on the beetle antennae search algorithm (BAS-PSO) is proposed to evaluate flatness errors. Firstly, a mathematical model for evaluating the flatness error based on the minimum region is established and the objective function is transformed into a nonlinear optimization problem. Secondly, on the basic of particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO), the beetle antennae search algorithm (BAS) with strong global search ability is introduced. As a result, the parallel computation of global search and local search is sped up to avoid premature convergence and falling into local optimization, and the accuracy and efficiency of flatness error evaluation is improved. Finally, the effectiveness of BAS-PSO is experimented by Rosenbrock and Schaffer test functions, BAS-PSO is used to solve the objective function based on the evaluation mathematical model of flatness error of the minimum region, the experimental results show that the algorithm is better than BAS and PSO. The algorithm was applied to the sample measurement of flatness error, the tolerance value of flatness is 0.00615mm, the average tolerances of BAS-PSO are reduced 0.0023mm, 0.00127mm, 0.00058mm, and 0.0037mm compering with the least square method (LSM), genetic algorithm (GA), BAS, and PSO, which verified the feasibility and superiority of the algorithm.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 9-15 [Abstract] ( 296 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1878 KB)  ( 319 )
16 Establishment on Standard Device for Measuring Retroreflection Coefficient
ZHENG Chun-di, FENG Guo-jin, LIANG Feng-chen, ZHANG Qiao-xiang, WU Hou-ping, LIU Zi-long, GAN Hai-yong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.03
Based on the illuminance method, a standard device for measuring the coefficient of retroreflection has been established in National Institute of Metrology. The structure and principle of the device are described in detail, and the main factors affecting the level of uncertainty of measurement are analyzed. The final measurement range covers 0.05~1999.00 cd·lx-1·m-2. The measurement uncertainty Urel is 3.0%~8.2%,k=2.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 16-19 [Abstract] ( 466 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1570 KB)  ( 309 )
20 Single Image Rain Removal Method by Fusing Residual and Channel Attention Mechanism
ZHANG Shi-hui,YAN Xiao-rui,SANG Yu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.04
In order to remove the raindrops and restore the image sharpness,a single image rain removal method based on depth learning and image enhancement technology combined with residual and channel attention mechanism is proposed.Firstly, the rainy image is decomposed into the smooth base layer and the high-frequency detail layer by using the guided filter. Secondly,an adaptive gamma correction algorithm is proposed to enhance the smooth base layer to improve contrast. Thirdly, the deep neural network with residual block and the channel attention mechanism is constructed to remove rain in the high-frequency detail layer. Finally, the high-frequency detail layer after rain removal is combined with the enhanced smooth base layer to realize the single image rain removal. The experimental results show that compared with the representative single image rain removal method, the proposed method works well and can retain more image detail information.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 20-28 [Abstract] ( 295 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4567 KB)  ( 543 )
29 Hand Gesture Recognition Algorithm Combined with Batch Renormalization and YOLOv3
CHENG Shu-hong,CHENG Yan-long
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.05
Aiming at the problem of low accuracy of gesture segmentation, inadequate description of fine-grained features and poor real-time gesture recognition in complex scenes, a hand gesture recognition algorithm combined with batch renormalization and YOLOv3 is proposed.Firstly, 20 gestures are collected under complex backgrounds and different lighting conditions, the data augmentation strategies are used for sample expansion, and a standard gesture library is established.Then, the anchor is obtained through K-means dimension clustering to detect the different scale hand types; Finally, the gesture recognition model is obtained by using the transform learning and fine-tuning.In order to solve the problem that there may be large deviations between the data when YOLOv3 network are standardized in the gesture training phase and the prediction phase, the batch renormalization method is adopted to improve the accuracy of hand gesture recognition.Experiments show that the average accuracy in normal experimental environment is 97.6%.the average recognition rate of gestures is over 89.2% in the complex environment, and the recognition speed is 0.04second.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 29-34 [Abstract] ( 277 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1158 KB)  ( 392 )
35 Influence of Emissivity of Infrared Thermal Results of Semiconductor Device
HAN Wei,LIU Yan,DU Lei,ZHENG Shi-qi,ZHAI Yu-wei,LIANG Fa-guo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.06
To confirm the influence of the lower emissivity of the semiconductor device on the microscopic infrared temperature measurement results, a series of verification experiments was carried out using the developed semiconductor materials and metal material targets, and the effect why the emissivity affects the accuracy of micro-infrared thermography was analyzed. The semiconductor material target with platinum resistance structure, GaAs and Au, were developed. The black body and the developed two targets were tested at different temperatures using micro-thermal infrared spectroscopy. The temperature deviations of the three materials are 1.9℃, 3.7℃, and 7.9℃ at a temperature of 110℃, the test results show that the lower the material emissivity, the greater the temperature measurement error, and the error increases with the increase of the temperature. So, it is necessary to consider the influence of emissivity when using micro-infrared camera to measure the temperature of the semiconductor devices.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 35-40 [Abstract] ( 302 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1717 KB)  ( 851 )
41 Temperature Calibration Method of Optical Power Thermal Analyzer
LI Shuo,YU Zhi-gao,YAO Ya-xuan,REN Ling-ling
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.07
The accurate measurement of phase change temperature of thin film materials is the key to application of phase change materials. The optical power thermal analyzer (OPA) is a new apparatus to measure the phase change temperature of thin film materials. The mechanism of OPA is that the optical reflectivity of thin films will change dramatically after the phase change. The OPA reaches the phase change temperature of thin films by infrared heating in vacuum conditions. The temperature measurement method of OPA and in situ temperature calibration by standard thermocouple were studied for accurate measurement of phase change temperature, which was traced to SI unit. The temperature of uncertainty in the range of 100℃ to 1000℃ were evaluated. The calibration fitting formula was obtained, the correlation coefficient is 0.9997.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 41-45 [Abstract] ( 275 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1584 KB)  ( 279 )
46 Temperature Impact Analysis of Three Transient Electromagnetic Flow Measurement Methods
XIONG Wei,XU Ke-jun,WU Jian-ping,XU Wei,YU Xin-long,YAN Xiao-xue
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.08
From the perspective of measurement principle, the influence of ambient temperature change on three kinds of transient electromagnetic flow measurement methods is analyzed. It is found that the voltage-current ratio and voltage-current differential method are greatly affected by the change of ambient temperature, while the differential interference compensation method itself has a good ability to suppress ambient temperature change. In view of the fact that the differential interference compensation method may cause errors to increase in the process of practicality, the optimal calculation method of differential interference coefficient and the optimal selection of excitation frequency are given. It is confirmed by the water flow calibration experiment that the differential interference compensation method has a better compensation effect on the ambient temperature changes when the variation of the ambient temperature does not exceed ±20℃, and the flow measurement results can meet the accuracy requirements of 0.5 level.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 46-52 [Abstract] ( 261 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1144 KB)  ( 169 )
53 Research on Field Calibration Method of ADCP Velocity Based on Frequency Offset Response
GUO Shi-xu,YANG Xiao-jie,WANG Yue-bing,YE Xiao-tong,ZHAO Peng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.09
With the regard to the difficulty in field calibration of Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP), a field calibration method of ADCP velocity based on frequency offset response is introduced. Through the acoustic signal transponder, the frequency offset of the back signal relative to the transmitted signal is set to simulate the velocity vector, in addition, frequency is taken as the traceability quantity to carry out frequency calibration on the signals emitted by ADCP and the offset signals sent back by the transponder, so as to realize the field calibration of the velocity parameters of ADCP. A field calibration device of ADCP velocity based on frequency offset response is developed. In the laboratory anechoic tank condition, four-beam 300kHz ADCP was used as the calibration object, carried out a velocity calibration experiment of 1 to 2m/s and performed uncertainty analysis. The results show that the uncertainty of the flow rate calibration is 1% simulated flow rate +7mm/s, which verifies the feasibility of the calibration method.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 53-58 [Abstract] ( 290 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1282 KB)  ( 285 )
59 Measurement Uncertainty Evaluation of Non-Automatic Weighing Instrument and its Application in Conformity Assessment
CAI Chang-qing,WANG Jian,CHEN Hang-hang,ZHONG Rui-lin,LI Xiao-meng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.10
On determining the weighing performance of a non-automatic weighing instrument (NAWI) from a weighing test result, there are 2 kinds of misjudgment risks if simple acceptance rule is applied when the measurement result is close to the maximum permissible error. Taking the test results of 3 electronic balances of a same type as an example, the measurement uncertainty for the corrected indication error is evaluated, whose influences on the conformity assessment is analyzed. The three kinds of conformance probabilities were 95.45%, 80.6% and 18.1%, respectively. The experimental results show that in the measurement process of NAWI, the NAWI whose linear measurement load error meets the maximum permissible error limit may still have the risk of failing to meet the requirements of conformity assessment. In legal metrology, the evaluation of measurement uncertainty of NAWI is an effective method to reduce misjudgment results.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 59-65 [Abstract] ( 330 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (967 KB)  ( 292 )
66 Calibration of Industrial Robot Kinematic Parameters Based on Line Structured Light Sensor
LU Yi,SHEN Tian-xiu,LUO Zai,GUO Bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.11
Aiming at the problem of low absolute positioning accuracy of industrial robots, a method for calibration of industrial robot kinematic parameters based on line structured light sensor was proposed. Firstly, the line structure light sensor is fixedly mounted on the end of the robot, the sensor measurement model is established, and then the robot kinematics model is established. The sensor model and the robot model are connected by hand-eye relationship to form a complete calibration system model. Secondly, the line structured light sensor measures a fixed point in different poses to obtain the coordinate value of the point on the robot base. An error model is established to deviate the theoretical value from the actual value of the coordinate value, thereby establishing a calibration equation group, and using the least squares method to identify the kinematic parameter error and correct the parameters. Finally, by updating these parameters into the ideal kinematics model, the positional deviation between measurement points before and after calibration were compared. The experimental results show that the average error was reduced by more than 50%, the standard deviation was reduced by more than 42%.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 66-71 [Abstract] ( 304 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (550 KB)  ( 943 )
72 Research on Density Calculation Method in LNG Tank
ZHAO Jin-rui,WU Zhong-kun,ZHANG Da-wei,WU Jian-liang,WANG Tong-ji
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.12
Whether the average of the multipoint density measured by integrated transmitter of liquid level, temperature and density is accurate can be judged by qualitative way or quantitative way. One kind of density is calculated through the component of liquefied natural gas in the tank. Another kind of density is temperature modification of the incoming liquefied natural gas density. The two kinds of density compare with the mean value of multipoint density measured by LTD. This method above is quantitative judgment. Several fitting formulas are deduced for density of the two groups above using polynomial fitting method. Using the stock relation, the best correct formula can be obtained.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 72-77 [Abstract] ( 309 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1295 KB)  ( 344 )
78 The Calibration of Artificial Intelligence
LIANG Zhi-guo,JIANG Yan-huan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.13
For the measurement and calibration of artificial intelligence, to describe its urgency, necessity and feasibility. Two different artificial intelligence metering solutions are proposed. The first method is based on the seven dimensions of intelligence, and performs linguistic intelligence, mathematical logic intelligence, spatial intelligence, physical intelligence, music intelligence, interpersonal relationship intelligence, and introspective intelligence. Two or more intelligent multiple intelligence systems perform comprehensive weighting for specific task objectives, and give a quantitative evaluation result of the intelligence level to specific task objectives. The second is the engineering method, starting with each specific and clear artificial intelligence system, establishing an evaluation system according to the ideal goal, conducting a measurement calibration study, and finally evaluating the systems sub-items and comprehensive intelligence level in a quantitative manner. Its main idea is to evaluate the intelligence level of any intelligent system in a quantitative way.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 78-84 [Abstract] ( 465 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (524 KB)  ( 822 )
85 Research on Double Wavelet Nonconvex Sparse Regularization Denoising Algorithm
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.14
The aircraft engine ECT oil monitoring data is affected by various noises during the acquisition and transmission process, which affects the extraction of effective features of the data. A double wavelet denoising (DWAD) algorithm is proposed for this problem. In the two wavelet domains, the data is decomposed, filtered by the threshold function, and the difference of the wavelet coefficient distribution is used to force the denoising signals in the two wavelet domains to be the same. The inverse tangent function is used as a penalty function to obtain a more sparse coefficient expression. The experimental results show that compared with the traditional wavelet denoising method, the average signal-to-noise ratio of continuous signal and step signal is improved by 2.3dB and 4.2dB, the denoising effect is optimized.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 85-90 [Abstract] ( 288 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1816 KB)  ( 213 )
91 DBN Structure Adaptive Learning Algorithm Based on Improved Genetic Algorithms
SUN Mei-ting,LIU Bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.15
Aiming at the NP-hardness problem of dynamic bayesian network, dynamic bayesian structure adaptive learning algorithm based on improved Genetic Algorithm is proposed. The maximum mutual information and timing mutual information are first used in the proposed algorithm to build initial structure, completing the initialization of the search space for DBN structures. Based on this, an improved genetic algorithm is presented. An adaptive control function of crossover probability and mutation probability is constructed introducing the grading standard deviation in order to reduce the probability of getting trapped in a local optimum. Compared with other optimization algorithm, experimental results indicates that the IMGA-DBN algorithm can significantly decrease nearly 30% and 37% in the hamming distance and running time separately. Meanwhile, IMGA-DBN increase 18.0% in the scoreing metric values without prior information.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 91-99 [Abstract] ( 243 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2829 KB)  ( 661 )
100 Comparation on the Absorbed Dose to Water in 398/277 Report for Linac's High Energy Photon Beams in Beijing District
LUO Chen,FAN Yao-dong,WANG Kun,WANG Huan-ning,LU Xiang,ZHAO Gui-kun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.16
In view of the absorbed dose to water measurement method in China is about to be updated, more than 200 value verification experiment in high-energy photon beams have been carried out under the medical accelerators of the radiation department in several hospitals in Beijing. According to the measurement methods reported by IAEA 277 and IAEA 398, the dose values at the maximum dose point of high-energy photons were measured and compared. In the NE2571 ionization chamber, the result measured by 398 report was 0.23% higher than that by 277 report, and this ratio was 0.85% in the PTW30013 ionization chamber. The experiment showed that the measurement results of the two methods were consistent within the uncertainty range, and the experiment established the experimental basis for the implementation of the 398 value system in China. The deviation of the results was analyzed, the calculation process of the correlation factors was studied , and the causes of the deviation were discussed from the perspective of several correction factors.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 100-104 [Abstract] ( 307 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (940 KB)  ( 201 )
105 Rapid Detection of BOD Based on PSO-ELM in Complex Water Quality Environment
CHEN Ying,CUI Xing-ning,XIAO chun-yan,ZHANG Jie,ZHANG Can,YANG Hui,LI Shao-hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.17
In order to overcome the shortcoming of complex operation, poor time-efficiency of traditional five-day culture method (BOD5), and the influence of complex environmental factors on the detection process in actual water quality, a detection method of BOD combining the rapid detection system and the extreme learning machine (ELM) algorithm optimized by particle swarm optimization (PSO) was proposed. The detection system was centered on a dissolved oxygen sensor and a microbial membrane reactor, which can perform the test within 35 minutes. The microbial reactor was made of functionalized spiral glass tubes, but the microbial membrane was affected by the environment of water quality. For this reason, PSO-ELM algorithm was used to eliminate the influence of turbidity (SS), pH and REDOX potential (ORP). Compared with BP neural network and ELM algorithm, the running time is shortened by 0.92 s and 0.24 s respectively, and the test error is reduced by 5.3% and 4.0% respectively. In the test of actual seawater samples, the relative error varies from 2.69% to 3.86%.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 105-110 [Abstract] ( 255 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1213 KB)  ( 248 )
111 CO2 Concentration Measurement Method in High Temperature Gas of Biomass Power Plant Based on RBF Neural Network
SHENG Wei-an,ZHANG Li-quan,HUANG Shuai,HAN Xiao-juan,ZHANG Wen-biao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.18
The measurement of gas concentration in power plants is of great significance to realize combustion optimization, improve combustion efficiency and flame quality, and reduce pollutant emissions. Taking CO2 as an example, according to infrared tunable laser absorption tomography technology, a measuring method of CO2 concentration in high temperature gas based on radial basis function (RBF) neural network is proposed. The CO2 absorption tunable laser spectral signals at different concentrations were obtained by experiments. The difference between the CO2 absorption spectrum and the original signal is calculated, and the statistical characteristic parameters describing the difference are extracted, which are regarded as the input of RBF neural network and the CO2 concentration as the output of RBF neural network. The model of the high temperature gas CO2 concentration based on RBF neural network is established. The simulation results show that the method is effective and correct. Compared with GRNN neural network, the RBF neural network method can effectively improve the accuracy of CO2 concentration measurement, and provide a theoretical basis for high temperature gas measurement in biomass power stations.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 111-116 [Abstract] ( 248 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1254 KB)  ( 197 )
117 Study on Dew Point Measurement of Natural Gas Based on Tunable Semiconductor Laser Absorption Spectrometry
PEI Quan-bin,YAN Wen-can,SHEN Chao,JIANG Chen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.19
The water dew point of natural gas is one of the important indicators related to the safety of natural gas pipeline transportation. Based on the tunable semiconductor laser absorption spectroscopy (TDLAS), a natural gas water dew point analysis device has been designed and developed. According to the field application requirements of natural gas, the on-line analysis and measurement device of natural gas was built and tested, and the key technology integration and equipment trial production of laser method natural gas online analysis and measurement device were carried out. The off-line calibration and laboratory stability test of the instrument were carried out. The repeatability test of the instrument and the comparison experiment with the cooling mirror dew point instrument were carried out in the field of natural gas transmission station. The experimental results showed that in the range of 0~300μL/L water content,the measuring error of the instrument was less than ±0.5% FS,the drift of the instrument was not more than ±1%FS in 24 hours,and the real-time on-line measurement was not less than one time per second. The results were within 6℃ compared with those of the cooling mirror dew point instrument.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 117-122 [Abstract] ( 289 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2176 KB)  ( 494 )
123 Research on Gas Reference Material of C4F7N in Carbon Dioxide
WANG De-fa,ZHANG Ti-qiang,HAN Qiao,LIU Zhi-yong,WANG Yan-wu,YAN Xiang-lian
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2021.01.20
Research on gas reference material of C4F7N in carbon dioxide was reported. The gas mixture was prepared by filling pure C4F7N and carbon dioxide into cylinder. The certified value was from gravimetric method. The impurities in parent gas were determined. The long-term stability of this reference material was evaluated by both classical stability study and isochronous stability study. Results showed it had good stability in six month. The relative expanded uncertainty is 0.5% (k=2) for the mole fraction from 1% mol/mol to 30% mol/mol.
2021 Vol. 42 (1): 123-128 [Abstract] ( 320 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1679 KB)  ( 605 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech