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2014 Vol. 35, No. z1
Published: 2014-12-22

1 The Preliminary Establishment of Nanometer Standard Metrology System in China
GAO Si-tian,SONG Xiao-ping,LI Qi,SHI Yu-shu,LI Wei,REN Ling-ling,LI Shi, WANG He-qun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.01
The National Institute of Metrology P.R China has preliminarily established our national nanometer standard traceability framework, including: nanometer geometric structure metrology standard device, millimeter range nanometer geometric structure metrology standard device, scanning probe microscope calibration device, scanning electron microscope calibration device and film thickness calibration device. These standard apparatus can calibrate not only the nanometer scale step height, line pitches, linewidth and nano film thickness, but also the scanning probe microscope, scanning electron microscope, etc., which effectively support for the development of semiconductor and NEMS/MEMS industries in China.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 1-5 [Abstract] ( 558 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1651 KB)  ( 726 )
6 Absolute Distance Measurement by Dual-comb Nonlinear Asynchronous Optical Sampling
LI Yan,ZHANG Hong-yuan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.02
A dual-comb nonlinear asynchronous optical sampling method is proposed to simplify determination of the time interval and extend the non-ambiguity range in absolute length measurements. Type II second harmonic generation facilitates curve fitting in determining the time interval between adjacent pulses. Meanwhile, the non-ambiguity range is extended by adjusting the repetition rate of the signal laser. The performance of the proposed method is compared with  a heterodyne interferometer. Results show that the system achieves a maximum residual of 100.6 nm and an uncertainty of 1.48 μm in a 0.5 ms acquisition time. With longer acquisition time, the uncertainty can be reduced to 166.6 nm for 50 ms and 82.9 nm for 500 ms. Moreover, the extension of the non-ambiguity range is demonstrated by measuring an absolute distance beyond the inherent range determined by the fixed repetition rate.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 6-10 [Abstract] ( 935 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2209 KB)  ( 2210 )
11 Dynamic and Static Measurement System for Linear Encoders
KANG Yan-hui,HUANG Yang,ZHANG Heng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.03
Based on the laser interferometry, and the high speed linear driving and measurement technique, a dynamic and static measurement system for linear encoders is developed. The general structure of the measurement system is described, and the dynamic and static measurement process is introduced. The critical components are also presented in detail, including the linear driving unit and the clamping and adjusting mechanism for linear encoders. The measurement system can measure the dynamic and static performance of linear encoders in the range of 2 m. The experimental result shows that static indication error is better than 0.3μm/m, and the velocity evaluation is up to 180m/min, which can well satisfy the need of high precision measurement of linear encoders.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 11-13 [Abstract] ( 627 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1539 KB)  ( 565 )
14 Image Measuring Instrument Calibration with Two-dimensional Optical Standard
SUN Shuang-hua,XUE Zi,WANG He-yan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.04
According to JJF1318-2011 Calibration Specification for Imaging Probe Measuring Machines, the image measuring instrument calibration parameters and calibration method is analyzed. The traceability system of the image measuring instrument is introduced. A variety of specifications of the two-dimensional optical standard are designed, and the calibration procedures are expounded in detail. Length measurement error is tested by two-dimensional grid photomask and measurement data is analyzed.  The measurement uncertainty is evaluated carefully, including its sources and values.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 14-18 [Abstract] ( 751 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1614 KB)  ( 810 )
19 Error Analysis of Pose Measurement with Monocular Vision Based on Isosceles Triangle Model
YAO Zhen-jian,WANG Zhong-yu,LI Dan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.05
In view of object pose measurement based on monocular vision, the relationship between the input parameters errors of a camera and the measurement error of pose was studied. Three types of input parameters errors were discussed theoretically, and an isosceles triangle Perspective-3-Point model (P3P model) was built, composed by three feature points. Thus the relationship between input parameters error of camera and pose measurement error was finally derived. Adding types of noise to every input parameter error during the experiment, observing how each of the input parameters errors influences the pose measurement error. Experiment results reveal the absolute value of correlation coefficients between post measurement error and three types of input parameter errors is superior to 0.99, within the margin of error, suggesting approximately linear relationship among them. Furthermore, the attitude angle error as well as the position error caused by cameras intrinsic parameters and 2D image coordinates are 10 and 100 times respectively of that caused by 3D model coordinates.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 19-25 [Abstract] ( 692 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (7065 KB)  ( 181 )
26 Research of Auto-focus System on Metrological Ultraviolet Microscope
YIN Chuan-xiang,GAO Si-tian,LI Qi,LI Wei,SHI Yu-shu,LI Shi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.06
The metrological ultraviolet microscope is a traceable optical device.It uses 248 nm deep ultraviolet illumination light and a 100 × UV objective lens to up to 100 nm optical resolution.Because of the high resolution,it will be easily occur defocus phenomenon.In order to enhance the measurement accuracy, it is required the real-time auto-focus function when measuring lithography photomask.As a part of metrological UV microscope, the auto-focus system utilizes UV camera, UV lens, and lens actuator to obtain a series of optical slice images,then several key areas are set as the focus window,next the image sharpness evaluation function based on coif wavelet transform is used to find the best focus position.Finally, the mixed technology of VC and Matlab is used to achieve auto-focus for the optical measurement.After experimental verification, it is proved that the focusing accuracy of the system can achieve 0.5μm.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 26-30 [Abstract] ( 440 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3608 KB)  ( 900 )
31 Study on the Weighing Tracing Method of Thickness for the Self-supporting Metal Foil
ZHU Xiao-ping,DU Hua,WANG Wei-chen,CUI Jing-yuan,WANG Kai,XU Zhen-jie
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.07
To use the mathematical relationship among three quantities of object density, weight and volume, the weighing method measurement model of self-supporting metal foils thickness is built. According to an object density is a constant quantity, the measuring method of film thickness is presented basing on the measured values of weight and area, and its density constant. The measuring method was realized and experimented using three kinds of foils which has approximate thickness but different weight of the copper films.  After the weight and area were measured, the film thickness is calculated. The thickness result is analyzed and compared with X-ray fluorescence analysis instruments and other conventional mechanical machine measuring result. Through the evaluation of uncertainty, the weighing method is verified of reliability, practicability and accuracy. It is tested and verified that weighting method is a high precision measurement and well tracing method of self-supporting metal film thickness, the uncertainty of measurement is not more than 0.3% of the thickness.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 31-33 [Abstract] ( 439 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (293 KB)  ( 601 )
34 Design and Realization of Contact Profilometer of Linear Controllable Measuring Force
SUN Yan-ling,CHANG Su-ping
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.08
The traditional measuring rod is redesigned to arched structure with a gravity center adjustment device, the lever force model and the mathematical model of the measuring force are derived. The mechanical relations between the measuring rod and the surface are simplified. A voice coil motor is added into the measuring system to control the measuring force. By adjusting the current in the coil of the voice coil motor in real time, the measuring force can be controlled. The relations between the control parameters and the voice coil motor current are derived . A simple method to determine the parameters is verified by experiments.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 34-38 [Abstract] ( 439 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3270 KB)  ( 572 )
39 Calibration Method for Lateral Tracking Speed of Laser Tracker
GAN Xiao-chuan,SUN An-bin,WANG Ji-hu, CAO Tie-ze, MA Li-qun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.09
Calibration statuses of dynamic performances of laser tracker are summarized. According to basic principle, combined demands of dynamic performance of laser track and the limits of tracking speed are studied. The theory of uniform angular speed rotation transformed into uniform linear speed is adopted and calibration device for laser tracker dynamic performances is designed and assembled. The relevant tests are planned. This device is test under different revolution settings. Dynamic performances of laser tracker are tested under different distances with this device. Test results are analyzed. Experiences in test are summed up. Test results indicated that speed variability in uniform rotation is satisfying and could be used in dynamic performance calibration.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 39-44 [Abstract] ( 499 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1858 KB)  ( 1114 )
45 Study on the Method of Reproducing Level and Realization of High Accuracy Horizontal Guideline
WANG Wei-chen,MO Wei-ping,DING Chen, JIA Min-qiang, ZHU Xiao-ping,DU Hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.010
Firstly, a survey of present methods of realizing horizontal guidelines is provided. Secondly, a new method for establishing a high accuracy optical horizontal guideline based on the level surface of a liquid pool is introduced. In particular, the working principle, the measurement method and the procedure for calculating relevant parameters are described. Experimental results show that the stability of the system can reach up to 0.04″.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 540 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (427 KB)  ( 492 )
49 Evaluation of the Uncertainty for the Measurement of Micro-nano Geometric Structure by Metrological SEM
MIAO Qi,GAO Si-tian,LI Wei,SHI Yu-shu,LI Qi,LU Rong-sheng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.011
Scanning electron microscope (SEM) is an effective tool in microstructure analysis and measurement.The surface of various materials can be analyzed by SEM.SEM has become one of the main measurement tool especially for micro-nano geometry measurement under 100 nm.The instrument of the metrological SEM is developed for calibration nanostructure and realized the traceability of SEM.The 2 dimensional structure of sample is obtained by stage scanning, and the measured result is traced to laser wavelength by interferometer.The nano structure dimension is measured and traced to SI unit.The SEM calibration artifact is measured by this instrument and the uncertainty is evaluated,and an uncertainty better than 20 nm is obtained for grating artifices.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 629 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3136 KB)  ( 1252 )
54 Unified Spatial Metrology Network Based on Portable Coordinate Measuring Equipments
LI Yang,MA Li-qun,CAO Tie-ze
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.012
A method for unified space measuring network is introduced. The method can be used to combine a variety of measurement instruments with a unified measurement system. The method can also be optimized the measurement results, eliminated outliers and determined the measurement uncertainty of instruments. Experiment for a multi-station laser tracker and IGPS is made. The results show that this method can reduce the measurement uncertainty of the measurement network, and proved the feasibility of a unified space measuring network.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 54-58 [Abstract] ( 627 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1418 KB)  ( 581 )
59 True Azimuth Transfer and Check between Indoor and Outdoor
DENG Xiang-rui,FAN Bai-xing,LI Jian-shuang,LI Lian-fu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.013
True azimuth is the key value to achieve traceability and verification of north-finder instrument, it must be ensured accurate and reliable.Astronomical azimuth calibration equipment is designed, which includes outdoor and indoor astronomical reference benchmark (consisting of two collimators and two flat mirrors).Considering the transfer and check of astronomical azimuth between indoor and outdoor, the specific methods are put forward to solution the metrology problem.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 59-62 [Abstract] ( 572 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (528 KB)  ( 640 )
63 The Design of Measuring and Control System Software of Small Angle Primary Standard Based on LabVIEW
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.014
National institute of metrology (NIM) has graded  up the national small angle generator primary standard for automation. The graphically programming language- LabVIEW was applied in the development of measuring and control software of the system. The development realized the building block design with the modules of data acquisition of autocollimator and laser interferometer, control of rotary table, real-time data processing, data storing, and built a flexible programming frame. The system is  utilized in the calibration of autocollimator and realized the automatic measurement with measuring range of -1 000″~+1 000″, and minimum measuring step of 0.1″, which satisfy the requirement of verification regulation and the international angle comparison using the autocollimator.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 63-66 [Abstract] ( 644 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2642 KB)  ( 636 )
67 Research on Long Gauge Block Interferometer
ZHANG Xu-dong,LIU Xiang-bin,WU Yue-yan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.015
A long gauge block interferometer for 125~1000 mm used multi-wavelengths interferometry is developed.Three stable lasers, 633nm, 543nm and 612nm, are introduced into interferometer by using a single mode fiber and used as measuring lights.The gauge block length is measured by the method of exact fractions, and five step phase stepping method is used for the calculation of fractions of interference fringes.In the chamber, the refractive index of air is calculated by modified Edlen formula to correct wavelengths.The uncertainty for gauge block measurement is U=0.02 μm+ 0.1×10- 6 L(k=3)。
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 67-71 [Abstract] ( 381 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2981 KB)  ( 452 )
72 The System for Thickness On-line Measurement Based on Laser Triangulation
FU Yun-xia,ZENG Yan-hua,SHI Hong,LEI Li-hua,ZHU Yi-qing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.016
Based on the principle of laser triangulation, the on-line thickness measurement system is developed with laser triangulation sensor, which is composed of laser and optoelectronic position detecting element. The system can be used in plate thickness measurement by the way of non-contact, on-line and real-time. Without force progresses, it has obvious advantages in soft materials measurement stability. The whole system is composed of laser triangulation head which composed of laser light source, optical system and photoelectric position detection components, precision adjustment, computer control system and data acquisition processing system. The results show that the resolution is 0.001 mm, static measurement uncertainty is 0.005 mm and dynamic measurement uncertainty is 0.02 mm.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 72-75 [Abstract] ( 616 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1096 KB)  ( 958 )
76 Small Parts Straightness Measurement Based on Surface Contour Measuring Instrument
TANG Dong-mei,ZENG Yan-hua,FU Yun-xia,ZHANG Bo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.017
Small parts are the main objects of straightness measurement study.Mahr's latest high-precision surface contour measuring instrument, MarSurf LD 260, is used to measure straightness of tungsten film. The measurement result is compared with that of the conventional method. The En value calculation method is used to evaluate the comparison result and the comparison result is En =0.40 which shows the measurement method is with high accuracy and it is feasible and easy to use.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 76-78 [Abstract] ( 530 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (924 KB)  ( 660 )
79 Research on Measurement Method for Rotary Table Calibration System
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.018
To numerical control rotary table measurement, the main uncertainty contributions of the rotary table calibration system of the RX10 and XR20-W have been analyzed. The proper calibration method for this system has been presented after the influence of the corresponding fix ring and adapting flange has been analyzed. The max index error change was 0.6″after the improved fixing method.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 79-82 [Abstract] ( 421 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1541 KB)  ( 498 )
83 The Method of Calibrating Rotating Angle of Goniophotometer using Laser Tracker
CHEN Ting,ZHOU Weng-qing,YE Huai-chu,LU Xin,YE Xin,MAO Zhen-hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.019
The photometric characteristic of light source is the important parameter in lamp and lantern design and the production processes, while goniophotometer is the key equipment to measure the candela distribution curve. The precision of rotating angle of γ-axis and C-axis in goniophotometer has an important influence on goniophotometry measurement, and those angles cannot be calibrated by the conventional angle measuring instrument because those angles are formed by virtual trajectories in space. The laser tracker is used to measure the rotating angle in space. First, the factors affecting the measurement precision are analyzed, then the measurement parameters of laser tracker are optimized. Later, the 3-D measuring points are transformed to 2-D plane by coordinate conversion. Finally, the angle values are calculated by software and compared with the values read by goniophotometer, so the calibration result is obtained.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 609 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2638 KB)  ( 1301 )
87 The Effect of Temperature Change on Gear Measuring Accuracy
YANG Guo-liang,XUE Zi,LIU Chun-jie,LIN Hu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.020
As one of the main effect factors in the process of precision measurement for the geometric quantities, temperature accounts for much more in the evaluation of measurement uncertainty.The temperature effects on profile slope deviation,helix slope deviation and tooth thickness deviation are analyzed through typical example,and the geometric relationship between the temperature change and the measurand of master gears is established,meanwhile the effect on the temperature change and measurement results of the gears with different dimensions is also proved.The necessity of improving gear measuring conditions is clarified,and theory evidence on the analysis for precision gear measurement is provided,which is contribute to the different Labs to determine measurement conditions based on gear accuracy grades.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 87-89 [Abstract] ( 539 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (392 KB)  ( 695 )
90 An Approach Probing Strategy of Integrated Circuit Critical Dimension Measurement
YANG De-zhi,SUN Shuang-hua,GUO tian-tai
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2015.z1.021
In order to obtain the specific characteristics of dimensional metrology of nano-scale critical dimension, an approach probing strategy of critical dimension dimension measurement is proposed by using auto-focus laser sensor. Both one-dimensional precision displacement platform (X axis) and auto-focus laser sensor (Z axis) are used to build the measurement platform. The integrated circuit board is used as the test model, and the test model is fixed on the displacement platform, so that it can only move along the X  axis. Then laser sensor perpendicularly is used to scan the outline of a scribed critical dimension line, and the data of X axis and Y axis is collect meanwhile. At last, the mathematical model is established. The experimental data is dealed by using piecewise linear fitting of the least squares method, and the line width and higher parameters as so on is obtained. In order to verify the reliability and accuracy, contacted nano-scale inductive sensor is used as contrast test experiment. The same surface topography data is collected, and the final results are obtained by using the same mathematical methods. Finally, the accuracy and feasibility of the experiment is verified by the comparing experimental results.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 90-94 [Abstract] ( 769 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (446 KB)  ( 1114 )
95 An Improvement on the Method for Measuring the Universal Tool Microscope
LIANG Jian-tong,CHANG Qing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.022
Universal tool microscope image measurement is a widely used measurement means, however the measurement accuracy of this method is subject to the corresponding plane coordinate system moving rail straightness errors and scale characterization error. So when the system is not designed in consistant with the Abbe principle, its straightness error motion guide will bring Abbe error not be eliminated. Therefore, reasonable structure design of the measuring system helps to improve the measurement accuracy universal tool microscope, and through the measurement method uncertainty evaluation, obtains verification theory. Through the application of laser interferometer on universal tool microscope, outlining an universal tool microscope method can improve the measurement accuracy.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 95-98 [Abstract] ( 552 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1522 KB)  ( 752 )
99 The Online Calibration of Velocity-measuring System in Ship Model Water-based Test
LU Jia-yan,LAO Chang-juan,QU Jian-su,MA Xiao-su,ZHAO Xin-li
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.023
A new online calibration of velocity-measuring system in ship model water-based test is presented.The equipment bay,data collecting, control system, laser pulse dynamic testing system, ground calibration system and data-processing system are developed, which can real-time charting the progress of the trailer, getting the movement curve all the time and calculating the instantaneous velocity.This system is used in dynamic measurement of the small difference in trailer speed.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 99-103 [Abstract] ( 487 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2464 KB)  ( 385 )
104 The Development of On-site Measurement of Diameter of Bullet Train Axle
YAN Hao,YAN Jun-fang,YANG Wei-min,ZHU Guang-ming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.024
The influence of temperature on uncertainty of indicating value of diameter of axle shaft was analyzed, the comparative measurement being adopted in periodic unsteady temperature field. For a massive object, its temperature variation lags behind the reference standard to a certain value, and the test verification was carried out. The temperature compensation, therefore, should be considered for the measurement of diameter of axle shaft so as to decrease the uncertainty of field measurement in workshop.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 104-108 [Abstract] ( 436 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (325 KB)  ( 550 )
109 Baseline Field Experiments for the High Accuracy Baseline Verification Instrument μ-base
BAO Huan,ZHAO Dong-ming,WANG Ruo-pu,FU Zi-ao,XUE Ying
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.025
The performance of the high accuracy baseline verification instrument μ-base is described and this experiments was made through comparison at the baseline field of National Institute of Metrology. Two stationing methods and a high accuracy centering method of the spherical prism were detailed, and the emphasis were laid on the tests of repeatability and reproducibility for the two instruments. From analysis on the data collected in the experiments, it is showed that the repeatability of the two instruments is no more than 5μm, and the reproducibility is less than 0.1mm. Comparisons with the measurements carried out with Invar tape on the same baseline, the feasibility of the use of μ-base in the verification of the baseline of length is justified, and furthermore, it is proved that μ-base can work properly under different environmental conditions with highest level of accuracy and precision.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 109-112 [Abstract] ( 884 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (422 KB)  ( 866 )
113 Laser Diffraction Angle Measuring Instrument
SHAO Hong-wei,LI Ping,LAI Zhan,CUI Jian-jun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.026
A new method of laser diffraction for measuring the angle is introduced. The sensitively and precision of the laser diffraction angle measuring instrument is much better than light rotary encoder angle measuring instrument, light dividing angle measuring instrument and light grating angle measuring instrument. Especially the resolution of the laser diffraction measuring angle instrument is improved over 20 times.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 113-115 [Abstract] ( 620 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (330 KB)  ( 583 )
116 Excimer Laser Treatment Machine Online Verification System
ZHOU Qiang,HUANG Yu-zhu,SU Qing-lei,LIU Hong-le,FAN Nai-yin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.027
For the needs of medical excimer laser light source traceability, the excimer laser treatment machine online verification system was developed which consisting the simulated eye movement systems, simulation of human cornea and ultraviolet laser energy test device. Simulated eye movement system consists of PLC and two-dimensional motion platform, the human cornea was simulated by Polymethy methacrylate calibration plate, and an ultraviolet laser power meter was used to measure ultraviolet laser energy. The test results show that the system basically achieved the predefined detection capabilities and positioning accuracy.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 116-118 [Abstract] ( 422 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (321 KB)  ( 366 )
119 Accuracy Testing on Dynamic Measurement of Laser Tracker
YANG Fan,FAN Bai-xing,LI Guang-yun,YANG Zai-hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.028
A method about dynamic character quick-testing of laser tracker based on scale bar is developed to be the rapid guide of dynamic measurement in field measuring. And a method of indoor accuracy calibration by duel-frequency interferometer is also presented to reflect the dynamic accuracy of coordinate measuring in full range. Leica AT901-B is taken as an example for experiments, and the results show the feasibility of the methods. The experiments would be good reference for research on dynamic character of laser tracker.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 119-122 [Abstract] ( 471 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2350 KB)  ( 805 )
123 Casing Coupling Meter Verification Method Based on One-dimensional Large Length Measuring Standard Device
YAO Xing-yu,YANG Bin,YU Dian-qing,LIU Na
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.029
Based on one-dimensional large length measuring standard device, casing coupling meter verification is non-contacted. It is more efficient, simple to operating and it also has large measuring range. Meanwhile it also overcomes the shortcomings of the traditional verification methods. The traditional verification is  inefficient, complex and unable to carry out  the full-length verification on the casing coupling meter because of the limited standard device length.According to the experiment, the calibration time of  the traditional device for a 3m casing coupling meter is 1 h, while this device is 12 min that be 5 times faster than the traditional one. The uncertainty analysis  for this device shows that the uncertainty of maximum detection point is U=0.2 mm (k=2) on 3 m casing coupling meter. The result meets the requirements of casing coupling meter regulation and this method is feasible.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 123-125 [Abstract] ( 533 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (482 KB)  ( 513 )
126 Research on Calibration Methods of Measurement Noise and Residual Flatness of Coherence Scanning Microscope
SHEN Fei,SHI Yu-shu,CHEN Si-wen,WANG Xing-wang,LI Shi,LI Qi,LI Wei,GAO Si-tian
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.030
The measurement principle of Coherence scanning microscope (CSM) is described and solution to calibrate the measurement noise is and residual flatness characteristics of CSM by using a calibratedsuper-smooth silicon carbide disk as the standard surface is proposed.To obtain the measurement noise, the topography data of the standard surface is measured twice at the same position in quick succession and then the data is disposed with subtraction technique.The residual flatness is acquired by threshold method applied to deal with topography data of repeated measurements at different positions on the standard surface.The calibration experiment has been conducted on the CSM of National Institute of Metrology based on the method proposed.The result shows that the measurement noise could be calibrated using subtraction method one time and the residual flatness could be calibrated through more than ten times of measurements at different positions on the standard surface and then calculating the average topography of the measurement results.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 126-129 [Abstract] ( 501 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (452 KB)  ( 830 )
130 Design and Experiment of Counter Based on Double-timing Pulse Interpolation Method
HAN Wei,SHEN Yu-ming
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.031
According to the ISO 7278-3:1998 standard, the double-timing pulse interpolation principle is discussed, the relevant formulas are derived.Based on the pulse interpolation principle,and the FPGA EP2C5T144C8 of Altera Cyclone II series as the core,an acounter with pulse interpolation function, which is used especially for flow calibration facilities is designed.Experiments have been conducted to the counter. The experimental results show that the resolution of the counter can reach 0.01% even if a few of the cumulative number of pulses are gathered.The timing accuracy of the counter is better than 0.1ms. The experiments on the bellprover gas flow standard facility show that in a relatively short calibration time and collected few accumulated pulse, the accuracy of the counter improves more than one order of magnitudethan the traditional method.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 130-134 [Abstract] ( 618 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1139 KB)  ( 622 )
135 Relationship Between Near Infrared Spectral Absorption Characteristic and Water Volume Fraction of Two-phase Flow in Vertical Tube
LIANG Yu-jiao,WEN Zi-tong,FANG Li-de,ZHENG Qing-long,GAO Jing-zhe
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.032
With the near infrared spectral analysis technology, the relationship between the near-infrared spectral absorption characteristics and water phase volume containing rate is studied. First, according to the Lambert-Beer’s law, the static test was analysied of and obtain a function of the relationship between the measured voltage value and the water layer thickness by origin fitting was obtained. Then, the pipeline model was analysied and the relationship between the water layer thickness and water phase volume fraction was get. The water layer thickness is an intermediate amount, through the online experiment of vertical pipe slug flow and bubbly flow, the real-time measurements of varieties of different water phase volume ratio were achieved. Eventually the mathematical relationship between the near infrared spectral absorption characteristic and water volume fraction can be gained.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 135-141 [Abstract] ( 383 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (733 KB)  ( 665 )
141 Analysis of Failure Modes and the Reasons of Ultrasonic Heat Meter by Durability Test
DU Wei-peng,CHEN Guo-fu,ZHAO Jian-liang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.033
Durability test of ultrasonic heat meter (UHM) were carried out, and 5 conditions causing UHM failure were found. Those conditions includes the invalidation of ultrasonic transducer, the measuring tube or ultrasonic reflector fixture made of plastic, calculator, sealing ring of tube, and the temperature sensor. The changes of data showed by UHM are analyzed, under the 5 failure modes mentioned above. The corresponding methods are pointed out to improve the durability of UHM.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 141-145 [Abstract] ( 452 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (978 KB)  ( 816 )
146 Design and Simulation of Linear Rotating Flow Regulating Valve with Electrical Control
XU Zhi-peng,DING Fen-fen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.034
A linear rotary flow valve with electrical controller is designed, using namely stepping motor as drive,and a good repeatability is achieved. Preliminarily, Matlab is used to fit the overcurrent curves of spool, which could meet spool rotation angle and over a linear relationship between flow area. It will draw three-dimensional simplified model of linear valves with solidworks, then import them to Gambit to mesh. After the convergence and analysis of the opening of the valve flow with the changes over a linear relationship, combined with CFD simulation of flow field on the spool further optimized, it is shown that the valve achieved the linear regulator flow from 10% to 100%.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 146-149 [Abstract] ( 537 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2156 KB)  ( 588 )
150 Evaluation on the Characteristics of Turbine Meter Base on of Reynolds Number
LI Chun-hui, LI Peng
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.035
Within 0.1~2.5 MPa, the high pressure close loop system with 4 turbine meters as master meters will be finished soon in National Institute of Metrology of China. The test for the turbine meter at 0.1MPa, 2.5 MPa showed that the change of indication error could be exceeded 0.4%, for the same turbine meter at the same flowrate and different pressure. On the base of physical model of turbine meter, the evaluation method for the test results of turbine meter under different pressure with curve fitting by means of Reynolds number were presented, and the uncertainty was no more than 0.3% (k=2). The recalibration results verified the evaluation method and uncertainty at 0.1 MPa.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 150-153 [Abstract] ( 497 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (523 KB)  ( 532 )
154 Structure and Metrological Characteristics of Fluidic Household Gas Meters
ZHAN Zhi-jie,WANG Han-tao,SHEN Wen-xin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.036
A new type of household gas meter known as a fluidic meter is introduced. The meter utilizes an array of specially designed disks of different thicknesses and shapes to create a bistable flow passage where self-induced, sustained oscillations occur, converting the task of flow-rate measurement to the electronic monitoring of oscillation frequency. The meter meets the measurement standards for the range of flow rate from 0.04 to 1.6 m3/h. Compared with the traditional diaphragm gas meter, this meter features no moving parts, good repeatability, and electronic signal output. The analysis of experimental data shows that the fluidic-type gas meter can satisfy the class 1.5 accuracy requirements. There also appears to be a potential to extend the measurable flow-rate range through further design optimization.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 154-157 [Abstract] ( 644 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1810 KB)  ( 595 )
158 Temperature Measurement System Based on Thermocouple with mK Precision
WANG Hao,GAO Hong-tang,XUE Zi,YE Shu-Liang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.z1.037
A temperature measurement system which uses a standard platinum resistance thermometer to measure cold-junction temperature is developed to measure temperature with mK precision. By compensating the short-circuit potential of the scanning switch and placing the thermocouple junction properly, the stability and repeatability of the measurement system have been improved. Comparing with the standard platinum resistance thermometer at the same temperature, it is proved that this temperature measurement system can measure with mK precision in laboratory conditions.
2014 Vol. 35 (z1): 158-163 [Abstract] ( 665 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2244 KB)  ( 892 )
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