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2013 Vol. 34, No. 1
Published: 2013-01-22

1 Surface Defect Inspection Technique for Hot Heavy Rail
XIE Zhi-jiang, MI Zeng-zhen, CHEN Tao, CHU Hong-yu, FAN Bin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.01
A set of surface defect inspection system for hot heavy rail was designed, and the character of radiation in high temperature for hot heavy rail was analyzed. As for hardware of the system, six linear CCDs have been adopted to shoot the heavy rail from multi-angle, so that the various surface images could be attained, and multi-channel of images were transmitted to image processing workstation in real time. On this basis, frequent defect for hot heavy rail was presented, the key technique for hot heavy rail was studied, and distinguishing and locating the defect was realized.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 1-6 [Abstract] ( 654 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4336 KB)  ( 782 )
7 Principle and Method of Automatic Calibration in Digital Image Processing of Rail Wear
WU Fu-hua, YU Xue-cai, WU Ke-qing, ZHANG Lei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.02
A simple implicit parameter calibration method is proposed. The transition matrix element which is also called implicit parameter is obtained from the relation between the calibration board feature points world coordinates and its corresponding distorted image coordinates. Then the measured image is restored to the world coordinate system for measuring which can be seen as the image obtained from the case that the camera perpendiculars to the measured plane and under the case of no distortion in the lens. This method is used in the rail wear image measurement. After field test, it shows that the image calibration accuracy reaches 0.2mm and accuracy of the measurement system is better than 0.5mm which meets the requirements of the standard.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 7-10 [Abstract] ( 546 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1650 KB)  ( 713 )
11 Inverse Hartmann Surface Form Measurement System Based on Spherical Coordinates
MA Jian-rong, HAO Qun, ZHU Qiu-dong, HU Yao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.03
A new method named inverse Hartmann surface form measurement based on spherical coordinates is presented. The method reduces the measured ray slope efficiently, increases the measurement dynamic range and spatial resolution simultaneously. A large asphericity surface with diameter 340mm is tested by the new method. The simulation result shows its accuracy of form error can be assured within λ/10, and is better than that in rectangular coordinates. It can be applied in on-line optic product evaluation rapidly and accurately with low cost.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 11-15 [Abstract] ( 530 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2472 KB)  ( 1003 )
16 Profile Error Evaluation of the Surface Based on Improved Particle Swarm Optimization and Its Visualization
ZHANG Xiao-ping, ZHOU Sheng-hua, WANG Jun-ze
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.04
As to the complex surface profile error evaluation is an involved nonlinear optimization problem,using improved particle swarm optimization algorithm combined with the method of subdivision surface and successive approximation,the accuracy calculation of complex surface profile error and the visualization of evaluation result are realized.After the theoretical surface is fitted by double cubic B-spline surface,the mathematical model of surface profile error is created under the minimum condition rule.With the help of subdivision surface and successive approximation,the minimum distance between measuring points and surface is obtained.Based on the analysis of basic particle swarm optimization algorithm,nonlinear dynamic inertial weight factor and hybrid operator are introduced to improve the efficiency and accuracy.Taking VRML as the 3D displaying platform and Java Applet as the controlling core,the surface profile error evaluation is visualized and networked.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 16-21 [Abstract] ( 550 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1074 KB)  ( 668 )
22 Application in Acoustic Pyrometer System Based on Generalized Cepstrum Correlation Algorithm
LI Cheng-zhi,SHAO Fu-qun,KAN Zhe
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.05
The method of temperature measurement by acoustic pyrometers is based on the combination of acoustic wave and CT technique,and the accurate measurement of acoustic wave time of flight is the key link in its application.In the complex reverberation background condition,the traditional correlation algorithm could not overcome convolution interference, it may cause the multi-correlation peak values.In the application of acoustic pyrometer system,the generalized cepstrum correlation algorithm can transform the product and convolution homomorphism system to linear system by using cepstrum operation,thereby,this algorithm can separate product signals or convolution signals,filter the product and convolution interferences.The experimental result and theory proved that,compared to the traditional correlation function analytical algorithm,the new cepstrum algorithm can overcome the convolution interferences from reverberation,and sharpen peak value,thereby estimate the time delays of signals.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 22-26 [Abstract] ( 564 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1567 KB)  ( 676 )
27 An Improved Conjugate Gradient Algorithm for Image Reconstruction Algorithm
MA Min, ZHANG Cai-xia, JI Jing-jing, WANG Hua-xiang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.06
Considering the image reconstruction of electrical capacitance tomography is an ill-conditioned problem, a new regularization method is proposed based on the size of the regularized solution and the quality to fitting the given data in Tikhonov regularization method. This method introduces a mathematical transformation, which overcomes the shortcomings of the disruption of conventional regularization. Meanwhile, the ECT physical model is normalized, and the conjugate gradient algorithm is improved. The simulation results show that the improved algorithm is better than LBP algorithm, conventional Tikhonov regularization algorithm as well as conjugate gradient algorithm in image quality, which is validated by the correlation coefficient.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 27-30 [Abstract] ( 478 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1002 KB)  ( 681 )
31 Analysis of Uncertainty of Double Beam Laser Doppler Velocity Measurement System
WANG Hui-lin, WANG Ying-chun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.07
Laser Doppler velocity measurement technology has been widely used in the flow velocity measurement. To reduce the measurement error of Double Beam Laser Doppler Velocity Measurement System, in accordance of procedures and methods of measurement uncertainty provided by JJF1059—1999, the main sources of uncertainty in the flow velocity measurement were analysed from two aspects, one is the mathematical model, and the other is the measurement methods. A type and B type assessment were adopted, evaluation of uncertainty components in measuring results is obtained, and then combined standard uncertainty and extended uncertainty are got.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 31-35 [Abstract] ( 604 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (336 KB)  ( 636 )
36 Study on Antenna Key Metrological Technical Parameters for Across- the-road Vehicle Radar Speed-measuring Device
DU Lei, SUN Qiao, CAI Chang-qing, ZHANG Yue, HU Hong-bo
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.08
The principle of across-the-road vehicle radar speed-measuring device is presented. The cause for the speed-measuring error in actual traffic is analyzed, and then the antenna key metrological technical parameters, the mainlobe beamwidth in the horizontal plane shall not exceed 6°, which should be satisfied to meet actual speed-measuring error limit, are studied. It has been proved by the test results of two types of across-the-road radar in actual traffic. During the measurement, if the mainlobe beamwidth in the horizontal plane does not exceed 6°, the measuring results are more accurate and reliable. Therefore, it can meet the technical requirements laid down in the relevant national verification regulation and technical standards.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 36-40 [Abstract] ( 512 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (390 KB)  ( 638 )
41 Study on Low Current Detecting System Based on Reaction Type of Magnetoresistive Transducer
ZENG Yi-fan, KUANG Wei-hua
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.09
The low current measuring principle with the method of closed-loop feedback is described.The magnetoresistive transducer HMC1021, which is highly sensitive to magnetic field, is used for the collection module. The low power consumption and high-performance DSP chip--TMS320F2812 is used as the master controller in this system for low current accurate detecting and immediate processing.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 41-44 [Abstract] ( 639 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (757 KB)  ( 686 )
45 Influence on the Quality of Electric Energy Recovered by the Elevator Energy-feedback Unit
YAO Ze-hua1,WAN Jian-ru1,ZHANG Peng2,QIAN Jian-xiong3
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.10
Based on the investigations of the harm and the test methods of harmonic wave, the method of FFT is chosen to test the harmonic wave of voltage and current.    Twelve typical elevators with different energy-feedback units are tested in the energy-feedback grid and the non-energy-feedback grid.  Based on the test results, the harmonic characteristics of the feedback energy and the effect on the quality of the electric energy when the elevator energy-feedback unit are discussed. According to the results, the feedback energy of the elevator will cause harmonic pollution to the grid and influence the power quality.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 45-48 [Abstract] ( 394 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (920 KB)  ( 664 )
49 The Envelope Extraction Algorithm of the Voltage Transient Signal Based on Hilbert Transform
FU Wei, ZHU Yan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.11
Aiming at the shortcoming that the measurement data of voltage transient signals is large and the calculation time of the traditional transient signal envelope extraction algorithm is very long and is not conducive to the practical application, a envelope extraction algorithm based on Hilbert transform and low-pass filter is proposed and used to the actual voltage transient signal.The result shows that the envelope extraction algorithm can ensure the result of the voltage transient signal envelope accuracy, shorten about 60% of the computing time than that of  the traditional transient signal envelope extraction algorithm.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 49-52 [Abstract] ( 583 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (857 KB)  ( 529 )
53 Compact Active Atomic Hydrogen Maser
ZHOU Tie-zhong,LV Yu-tao,WANG Meng-zhi,GAO Lian-shan
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.12
A compact active hydrogen maser is described.It uses the active mode of operation,cavity which is dielectrically loaded by the sapphire. The cavity is 18 cm outside diameter and 20 cm high, and weighs only 2.5 kg.Based on the sapphire-loaded cavity design,the volume of the total hydrogen maser has been reduced remarkably. The most recent stability data from the compact hydrogen masers is presented,which was measured by National Institutive of Metrology(3.0×10-13@1 s,3.8×10-15@1 day). The compact hydrogen maser can be used for portable application.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 53-57 [Abstract] ( 563 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2155 KB)  ( 921 )
58 Study of Ultra-stable Lasers
SUO Rui, FANG Fang, LI Tian-chu
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.13
Basic principles of ultra-stable lasers and Pound-Drever-Hall(PDH)method are introduced. Additionally, methods of reducing noises, such as noises from vibration, temperature perturbation, air turbulence and etc. are discussed. The applications of ultra-stable lasers, especially the application of ultra-stable lasers to achieve the ultra-stable microwave source are described. Finally, an ultra-stable laser system with parameters for an ultra-stable microwave source is presented.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 58-62 [Abstract] ( 987 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (676 KB)  ( 1691 )
63 Quantitative Determination of Peal and Shell Powder with Terahertz Time Domain Spectroscopy
GUO Chang-sheng, HAO Guo-hui, LIU Jian-jun, HONG Zhi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.14
With terahertz time-domain spectroscopy, quantitative determination with the pearl powder is analyzed.Having done quantitative determination with the freshwater pearl powder, shell powder and their mixtures,the regression model between the refractive index and the content of the shell powder in the mixtures is established.The results show that the content of shell powder obtained from the regression model is very close to the real one,and it provides a new method for the determination of pearl powder quantitatively.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 63-67 [Abstract] ( 454 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1127 KB)  ( 584 )
68 Development of Gas Standard of Chlorobenzene
LI Ning, GUO Jian, FAN Qiang, WANG Shuai-bin, WANG Qian, TIAN Wen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.15
The development method of a chlorobenzene gas standard are described.Chlorobenzene gas standard is prepared by gravimetric method and is intercompared to the existing gas cylinder standards using gas chromatography with a hydrogen flame ionization detector.The linear regression analysis show excellent agreement among the standards for chlorobenzene.As a result of with-in homogeneity,the data show that chlorobenzen are homogeneous in the cylinder,the long-term stability of the gas standard is as long as 12 months.The certified value of developed chlorobenzene gas standard is 1~5μmol/mol,and the relative expanded uncertainty is 5% at the 95% confidence interval for chorobenzene,it agree with the similar standard gas from Scott Specialty Gases.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 68-71 [Abstract] ( 413 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (397 KB)  ( 660 )
72 The Application of Trace Gas Transfer Technique  to Preparing Gas CRMs by Gravimatric Method
HU Shu-guo,WANG De-fa,WANG Zhe
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.16
Trace gas transfer technique is a new technique with the advantage of convenience and quickness. It decreases dilution times during the preparation of gas CRMs, while keeping weighing accuracy, specially applied to prepare gas CRMs with lack of component gas or multi-dilution. The theory and operating process of this technique is introduced, furthermore, the reliability is verified by experimental data.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 72-75 [Abstract] ( 400 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (977 KB)  ( 634 )
76 Measurement of  Radon Exhalation Rate in Open Loop
TAN Yan-liang, XIAO De-tao, ZHAO Gui-zhi, ZHOU Qing-zhi, XIAO Tian, ZHOU Yi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.17
The measurement system   for radon exhalation rate in open loop is validated. It shows that the radon exhalation rate from medium surface obtained is very good to match the reference value.The time expression when the radon concentration in the chamber tends to a constant value is obtained by theoretical analysis.A method is proposed  that  a chamber with bigger bottom acreage is used and  a adjust valve is added to lower the flux of pump, such increasing the radon concentration in the chamber and reducing the statistical fluctuation in the measurement with RAD7.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 76-78 [Abstract] ( 533 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (685 KB)  ( 395 )
79 Risk Restriction Method for Instrument Error Conformance Testing Procedures
YU Xue-feng, YU Jie
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.18
During verification process of instrument error,the test results decide UUT qualified or not.Due to the presence of measurement uncertainty,a wrong decision may be made,so consumer and producer decisional risk are caused.To keeping the consumer,s risk(CR) and producer,s risk(PR) below the given target values,a comprehensive control method for setting both the process capability index(PCI),measurement uncertainty ratio(TUR)and gauging tolerance interval ratio(GTR)in conformance testing procedures is proposed.The relation between the three parameters with CR and PR is established.By graphical configuration mode,some effective guidelines for conformance testing design are described.The results of simulation show that PR and CR can be kept below the given target values by suitably setting both the TUR and GTR with a certain PCI.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 79-83 [Abstract] ( 551 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (842 KB)  ( 929 )
84 Method for Outlier Detection in Process Control Field
LIU Fang, MAO Zhi-zhong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.19
Aiming at the characteristics of data in process industry which are large volume of data and on-line detection,an outlier detection algorithm which combines the improved RBF network and ARHMM is proposed.In the new algorithm, improved RBF network is used to model base on major data in kernel space,and then according to the residual errors,the detection results are made by kernel ARHMM.Forgetting factor and penalty factor are introduced by improved RBF network,which can make the algorithm more robust and accuracy.In order to avoid preselecting the detection threshold,KARHMM is used to detect outlier in process industry.The practicality is proved by experimentation and application,and through the comparison with AR model, it shows that the nonlinear KARHMM algorithm is more suitable for process data.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 84-89 [Abstract] ( 502 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1026 KB)  ( 440 )
90 Measurement of Plank Constant h and the Developments on Quantum Mass Standard
HAN Bing,HE Qing, LI Shi-song, ZHANG Zhong-hua, LI Zheng-kun, LI Chen
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2013.01.20
Redefinition of the International System of Units(SI)on basis of fundamental physical constants is topical issues,drawing their attentions of researchers in metrology all over the world. All kinds of electromechanical balances were used to measure the Plancks constant,including ampere balance,voltage balance,superconducting magnetic levitation project,watt balance and joule balance. Once precisely measuring the Plancks constant,it would be possible to eliminate the last artifact unit,kilogram,and realize a kind of novel quantum mass standard. The principle,apparatus and recent progress of different electromechanical balances are reviewed in details. The tendencies for measuring the Plancks constant and the future of quantum mass standard have also been predicted.
2013 Vol. 34 (1): 90-96 [Abstract] ( 648 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1225 KB)  ( 1044 )
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