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2014 Vol. 35, No. 1
Published: 2014-01-22

1 The Discontinuous Boundary Layer Effects on Acoustic Resonance Frequency in Cylindrical Cavity
YIN Zhao-wei,FENG Xiao-juan,LIN Hong,ZHANG Jin-tao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.01
Based on the first order acoustic perturbation theory,the discontinuous boundary layer effects from the temperaturejump and slip-velocity between the gas and the solid wall are investigated At low pressures,temperature-jump and slip-velocity make a significant contribution to the resonance frequencies but not to energy losses.The corrections to the resonance frequencies are presented.The corrections for different gases,different acoustic modes at different pressures and temperatures are  also compared This correction is very necessary for the re-determination of the Boltzmann constant.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 1-4 [Abstract] ( 822 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1311 KB)  ( 938 )
5 Size-of-source Effect Correction for Infrared Radiation Thermometer
YUN Zun-dong
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.02
The feature of the size-of-source effect (SSE) in low temperature measurement differs from that in high temperature measurement. A correction formula for the SSE in different source sizes and different background radiations is derived. It is from a calculation model at a suppositional detector temperature which can avoid the influence of background radiation on the SSE measurement. Theoretical analytical expression for the SSE in different source sizes are obtained, and the rule of the novel model and classical high temperature model are different at the source temperature lower than or near ambient temperature. The formulae and conclusion are suitable for the SSE correction for a temperature measurement at an arbitrary temperature.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 5-9 [Abstract] ( 739 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (535 KB)  ( 1286 )
10 Effect on Environment Radiation in Measurements for Spectral Emissivity at Medium and Low Temperatures
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.03
Both effective spectral emissivity and radiance temperature are discussed The measuring methods and apparatus of spectral emissivity are introducedThe calculation equation for spectral emissivity is given, which has a concern with the environment radiation.  It indicates that the effect of environment radiation should be taken into account on the measurements for spectral emissivity at medium and low temperatures,otherwise a significant measuring error will be introduced.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 10-12 [Abstract] ( 572 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (821 KB)  ( 1225 )
13 Application of Computer Image Technology on Size Measurement of High Temperature Forging Workpiece
GENG Xin1,2,ZHANG Fu-min2
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.04
The color CCD and infrared filter are adopted to set up the measurement platform of high temperature forgingsThe digital and physical filter technologies are applied to improve the quality of forging image and comparison measurement method is utilized to derive its twodimensional size accurately In order to calibrate the equivalent size of pixels in image,images of standard gauge blocks are captured and distortion calibration,noise suppression and subpixel edge detection are executed As it is verified by other gauge blocks,the horizontal measurement uncertainty of the system is  0.005 1 mm,while the vertical is 0.008 7 mmAt 1 000 ℃,image of 45# forging is captured and its dimension is calculated through the procedure,which has a difference less than 1 mm compared with the theoretical value,and meets the requirements of the precision.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 13-17 [Abstract] ( 609 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3394 KB)  ( 1009 )
18 Error Separation Techniques for Aero-engine Blade Surface Based on the Measurement of CMM
LIN Xiao-jun,LIU Xiang-zhu,GUO Yan,CUI Dong-peng,FAN Ning-jing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.05
 Aiming at the key problem for measuring of coordinate measuring machine (CMM) of the aeroengine blade surface data processing, a kind of error separation method for blade surface was proposed. The contour measurement method was used for measuring the blade, and calculation method of blade surface tolerance evaluation index, principles and procedures of the error separation techniques were given. In order to separate the curve profile error of blade surface, torsion error and position error which are from the comprehensive error to determine the blades whether were qualified, the minimum zone method was used for matching the measurement points and the theoretical cross section contour corresponding points in the data processing The matching objective function and solving steps were established and DFP variable dimension algorithm was used to solve it. The influence of establishing coordinate system error was eliminated through the second match.Finally, the examples showed the method was valid and practical.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 18-24 [Abstract] ( 604 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1097 KB)  ( 1020 )
25 The Research on Thickness Measurement of Oil-film Using Ultrasound and Experiment
SHEN Hong-miao,MA Xi-zhi
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.06
According to the related theory of the acoustic propagation in three layers of media,the resonant model and the spring model of oilfilm thickness measurement is given based on ultrasound reflection coefficient.On this basis,the experimental tests have been finished.The hardware circuit of signaling controller adopting STC is designed and made.The control program of waveform,frequency and number is written.The given oil film thickness of the specimen is measured by the developed circuit.The result shows that the thickness measurement of oil-film in mechanical structure can be obtained indirectly by measuring the ultrasonic reflection coefficient.The error of measurement is kept within the range of 5%.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 25-29 [Abstract] ( 508 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4982 KB)  ( 1287 )
30 A Non-contact Trigger Probe Based on DVD Pick-up Head
GAO Wei,CHEN Xiao-huai,LI Rui-jun,CHENG Zhen-ying
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.07
A non-contact trigger probe based on the commercial DVD pick-up head is presented. The focus sensor and the mechanism have been designed and manufactured. Experimental results show that of the resolution of non-contact trigger probe is better than 2 nm and the repeatability reaches 20 nm. The non-contact trigger probe can be used on a micro/nano CMM.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 30-33 [Abstract] ( 516 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (4009 KB)  ( 1145 )
34 Calibration Method for Billet Outline Dimension Measurement Using Linear-structure Light with Two-senor
WAN Cong-ling,YU Xue-cai,JIANG Bo,LI Ze-si
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.08
To solve the calibration problems in the dimension measurement based on linear-structure light such as high requirement of environment,complicate calibration procedure and so on,a calibration method based on the grid panel has been presented. Its main advantage is that,rather than a complicated calibration model and high precision auxiliary equipment,only a calibration plane with 2 mm width and height at measurement place is needed. With corner-detection, the calibration parameters based on a global world coordinate can calculated,  the revising system error correction was completed,and finally the measurement system into the image coordinate system was merged. The calibration method has been applied in billet outline dimension measurement and the experimental data shows that the method has stronger robustness and feasibility with the error of 0.05 mm.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 34-38 [Abstract] ( 621 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (803 KB)  ( 995 )
39 The Best Diameter Determination of the Pin Aperture in Inverse Hartmann Surface Form Measurement System
MA Jian-rong,HAO Qun,ZHU Qiu-dong,HU Yao
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.09
In the inverse Hartmann surface form measurement, the pin aperture selects light reflected from the test surface and determines the measurement resolution. The diameter of the pin aperture has influence on the size of light spots on CCD and the accuracy of determining the ray location on the pupil. The Fourier transform expression for precisely calculating the pin aperture diameter is derived from diffraction optics theory. Moreover, an estimation formula which directly calculates the diameter of the pin aperture is also derived. Simulation and experiment show that the fast estimation formula can meet the accuracy and effectively save time when calculate the best diameter of the pin aperture in real measurement.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 39-43 [Abstract] ( 596 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (631 KB)  ( 1070 )
44 Redundant Information Removing of SFS Reconstructed Model Based on Threshold Segmentation and Polygons Intersecting
WU Feng-he,WANG Jin-fen,WANG Jun,WANG Xin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.10
To remove the redundant points of shape from shading reconstructed model,a practical methods based on threshold segmentation and polygons intersecting is proposed.The image is converted into binary image through threshold segmentation technique,the defects contained in image are remedied by morphological method,and the 2D contour is extracted by using the differential operator, the binary image is divided into objective region and background region by using the polygons intersecting method; the 3D model is reconstructed by using shape from shading method,and the redundant points of shape from shading reconstructed model are removed through fusing the information of 3D profile and 2D contour.Experiment results showed that the method proposed can effectively remove redundant points of shape from shading reconstructed model,and it is helpful for improving the shape precision of shape from shading reconstructed model.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 44-48 [Abstract] ( 634 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (2163 KB)  ( 884 )
49 The Design and Realization of a New Normalization Algorithm in Electromagnetic Tomography
LI Liu,SHAO Fu-qun,WANG Zhan-jun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.11
According to new sensitivity normalizations of electrical impedance and electrical capacitance tomography, the irrationality of linear normalization of sensitivity matrix of electromagnetic tomography is proposed. The new sensitivity normalization model is established based on the analytical formula in electromagnetic tomography. The formula of the new sensitivity normalization is given. The normalization effect of new model is compared with the original. The new sensitivity normalization is applied to the image reconstruction, and evaluated the image quality using the criterion correlation. It is conclusion that the new sensitivity normalization model is more close to the original trend and got higher reconstruction image quality.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 49-53 [Abstract] ( 527 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (8836 KB)  ( 680 )
54 The Evaluation of Uncertainty of Mobile Calibration Facility for Natural Gas Meters
YAN Wen-can1,XIAO Di2,XU Ming1,LU Yu-cheng1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.12
 According to the 《JJF1059 Evaluation and Expression of Uncertainty in Measurement》, and  combining with mobile standard facility of natural gas flow measurement, the uncertainty analysis of standard equipment was made with GUM.  Accroding to the traceability requirements, the meters whose uncertainty is no better than 0.33% can be calibrated by GUM. In accordance with the traceability requirements, it can verificate/calibrate the meter which is no better than lecel 1.0.  Finally,the evaluation results are verified by compared with Nanjing branch of national station of petroleum & natural gas flow measurement.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 54-60 [Abstract] ( 664 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (7039 KB)  ( 890 )
61 Development of Miniature Two-dimensional Force Sensor for Fracture Trauma Cross-section
ZHU Jian-min,HUANG Zhi-wen,LI Hai-wei,ZHAI Dong-ting,WANG Jun
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.13
To meet the real-time precision measurement requirements of axial compressive force and radial shear force for fracture trauma cross-section, a miniature two-dimensional force sensor based on the E-type round diaphragm structure was designed. The theoretical analysis model for sensor elastomer strain was established. The main structure sizes of sensor elastomer were optimized according to the theoretical analysis model, and the strain gauge position and the combination bridge ways on the elastomer were designed. The calibration experiments for the sensor were carried out to obtain the calibration data. The experimental results show that the sensitivity of the sensor is 2.9 MPa/N, the full scale nonlinear error of axial force is 1.1783%, and the full scale nonlinear error of radial force is 1.0416%.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 61-66 [Abstract] ( 557 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (919 KB)  ( 713 )
67 Study on the Algorithm of Draft Survey Error Based on Fuzzy Comprehensive Evaluation Method and Weighting Emphasis Method
LI Hong-xing,BAO Yan-fu,XU Zhao-yang
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.14
Affected by various factors, draft survey often produces errors. Considering the characteristics of draft survey,  the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method was adopted. The algorithm of draft survey error to achieve inputting the value of index was designed,  and the value of draft survey error at different condition was obtained. The fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method considers the multiple indicators, multi-layered and some indicators difficult to quantify. Weighted emphasis method makes up for the attenuation of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. The algorithm of draft survey error based on the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method and the weighted emphasis method can calculate the error risk in different condition, such ensuring draft survey error less than 0.5%.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 67-72 [Abstract] ( 461 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (332 KB)  ( 992 )
73 A New Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Local Mean Decomposition for Roller Bearings
XIE Ping,YANG Yu-xin,JIANG Guo-qian,LI Xiao-li,LI Xing-lin
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.15
Targeting the characteristics of non-stationary and modulating of vibration signals for roller bearings, a new method for feature extraction based on Wigner-Ville spectral entropy is proposed. Firstly, the vibration signals are decomposed by the algorithm of local mean decomposition into several product functions. Secondly, the Wigner-Ville distribution of the principal components to obtain the time-frequency energy distributions is calculated, and Shannon entropy  is introduced to construct a new index for feature extraction named Wigner-Ville spectral entropy. Finally, the feature vectors based on Wigner-Ville spectral entropy were input to least squares support vector machine, in order to automatically classify and diagnose the faults and damage degree of roller bearings. Simulation and experiments demonstrate the effectiveness and intelligence of the proposed method.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 73-77 [Abstract] ( 441 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1603 KB)  ( 739 )
78 Wire Rope Inspection Technology Research Based on Weak Magnetic
SHI Rong,GUO Peng,WANG Jin-dong,WANG Lei
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.16
Based on magnetic charge analysis theory,  the broken wire rope magnetic dipole model was established, and the calculation of the single fracture leakage magnetic field in the distribution law. The excitation circuit parameters are experimentally studied through the orthogonal design method, the basic structure and basic parameters of the weak magnetic magnetization system are determined, and the integration design of the magnetization and the detection is achieved.According to the leakage magnetic field strength at wire rope defects in the case of weak magnetic incentives, the MR01 type magnetoresistive sensor with high sensitivity is chosen.The measured curves of a variety of broken wires in form is also described.The experimental results show that the wire rope magnetic detection system based on the MR01 type magnetoresistive sensors is not only able to achieve the effective detection of the fracture in small size but also for the remanence detection.It is a valuable research for the development of the wire rope inspection technique.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 78-82 [Abstract] ( 440 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (3225 KB)  ( 1042 )
83 Construction and Implementation of a Liquid Scintillation TDCR System
WU Yong-le,LIANG Jun-cheng,LIU Hao-ran,LIU Jia-cheng,YAO Shun-he,YUE Hui-guo,LIU Sen-lin,YANG Yuan-di,YUAN Da-qing
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.17
 The liquid scintillation triple-to-double coincidence ratio (TDCR) system recently constructed is presented. In order to eliminate the influence of after pluses and thermal noises, the technology of discrimination threshold setting, coincidence counting and extendible dead time is in application. The highest efficiency of tritium water, 14C and 99Tc is about 54%, 96.2% and 97.2% separately. The NIST SRM of tritium water is measured to verify the performance of the counter, and the result agreed well with certified activitiy value with En criterion.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 83-86 [Abstract] ( 718 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1387 KB)  ( 1493 )
87 Characterizing on Genetically Modified T25 Maize Line Matrix Reference Material
DONG Lian-hua,LI Liang,ZHOU Yun-long,CAO Ying-Long,SHEN Ping,LU Chang-ming,WANG Jing,LIU Zhang-lan1
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.18
To validate the key parameters of the real time PCR method for GM maize T25,  7 different laboratories are chosen to assign the reference values of three different GM content matrix reference materials by using the same method.Although different types of instruments are used by different labs, the standard curve generated by each lab is comparable which indicated that this method shows a good reproductablity.After statistically analyzing the data gained from seven labs, the total means are assigned to be the reference values.The reference values and expanded uncertainties (k=2) for three matrix GM reference material are 1.17%±0.22%,2.17%±0.38% and 9.81%±2.30%.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 87-91 [Abstract] ( 506 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (321 KB)  ( 876 )
92 Research on CCQM-P102 Quantification of Cells with Specific Phenotype and Uncertainty Evaluation in Flow Cytometry
ZHANG Ling,WANG Jing,CHEN Da-zhou,SUI Zhi-wei,LIU Xin-hai
DOI: 10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2014.01.19
 National Institute of Metrology (NIM) was invited to participate in CCQM-P102 comparison “cells with specific phenotype quantitative measurement” in 2010.The results showed that,CD4 + cell count measurements in NIM achieved equivalent consistent with the participating countries and got good results.Mean CD4 antigens per cell by fluorescence intensity values was measured by linear regression after logarithmic transformation,the value got in the uncertainties of the international comparisonm,and submitted flow cytometry measurement uncertainty assessment to CCQM as one of the three laboratories (NIM,China;NIBSC,UK and NIST U.S.),which was discussed.
2014 Vol. 35 (1): 92-96 [Abstract] ( 642 ) HTML (1 KB)  PDF (1134 KB)  ( 949 )
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Supported by:Beijing Magtech