The Development of On-site Measurement of Diameter of Bullet Train Axle |
YAN Hao1,YAN Jun-fang1,YANG Wei-min1,ZHU Guang-ming2 |
1. Shanxi Province Institute of Metrology, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030002, China;
2. Zhibo Lucchini Railway Equipment Co.Ltd, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030032, China |
Abstract The influence of temperature on uncertainty of indicating value of diameter of axle shaft was analyzed, the comparative measurement being adopted in periodic unsteady temperature field. For a massive object, its temperature variation lags behind the reference standard to a certain value, and the test verification was carried out. The temperature compensation, therefore, should be considered for the measurement of diameter of axle shaft so as to decrease the uncertainty of field measurement in workshop.
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