Research on Online Environmental Adaptability Experiment System of Flowmeter |
LI Xiao-peng,XING Chao,MENG Tao |
National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract The on-line environmental adaptability experiment system of flowmeter is composed of two parts, the test box and the control unit. The test box adopts the upper and lower split structure, which can adapt to the complex experimental environment. It can be installed in different experimental pipelines.The system can simulate the temperature range of (-40~60) ℃ and the relative humidity range of 30%~98%. It can test the change of flowmeter in different environments.Through the test of six electromagnetic flowmeters, the following conclusions can be drawn:With the change of ambient temperature, the indication error of different flowmeters varies, and the maximum variation is about 12.63%. The results show that the harsh ambient temperature has obvious influence on some electromagnetic flow meters. Different ambient temperature has little effect on the repeatability of electromagnetic flowmeter.
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