Influence of Varying Load on Angle Mesurement Deviation of Rotary Table and Self Calibration Comprehension |
HOU Jia1,2,XUE Zi2,HUANG Yao2,YE Shu-liang1 |
1.China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
2.National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China |
Abstract The load of angular position rotary table is always varying in practical working condition. The mechanism was studied on how the varying load affects the position relation between scale disc and rotary axle, and then affects the angular measuring deviation. Both of the functional relations of eccentricity-angular deviation and inclination-angular deviation were deduced. The numerical simulation experiment was carried out to obtain the ideal deviation amplitude and the Fourier components order distribution under the conditions of different eccentricity and inclination. At meantime, the in-situ calibration experiment was carried out to obtain the practical deviation amplitude and the Fourier components order distribution under the condition of varying load. Finally, the effect of typical varying load on angular measuring deviation was presented and the theoretical analysis was proved.
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