Research on empty-heavy mixing loading matching and measurement algorithm of container trucks in railway freight yards |
GONG Xingqi1,JIANG Huizeng1,LIU Zongdong2,AN Aimin1,ZHOU Meiling1 |
1. Standard Metrology Research Institute of China Academy of Railway Sciences Group Co., Ltd., Beijing 100080, China
2. Freight Department of China Railway Hohhot Bureau Group Co., Ltd, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia 010057, China |
Abstract To solve the problems of poor real-time matching of heavy containers during train loading in railway freight yards and difficulty in measuring vehicle load deviation, the information from weighing sensors is combined with spatial location information. By using the rising and falling edges of the weighing sensor signal, the loading time and landing point information of the container are determined. When the high-precision positioning signal of Beidou is lost at the time of container landing, the inertial algorithm is used to compensate for the lost landing point information. Finally, by integrating the latitude, longitude, and inertial velocity of the landing points, it is verified that when the distance between the landing points of two containers is about 6000mm, they should be loaded onto the same truck. By calculating the moment balance of the 8 force points on these 2 containers, the unbalanced and heavy load state of the 2 containers can be converted into the vehicle measurement state. By comparing with the data in the railway freight safety platform, the average total weight error is 0.4%, the average lateral bias error is 0.3t, and the average longitudinal offset error is 3.46mm.
Received: 28 July 2023
Published: 18 December 2024
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