李天初 , 1945年 11月生, 1970年清华大学毕业, 1981年和 1991年在中国计量科学研究院和清华大学获硕士、博士学位。 1981年至今在中国计量院 (NIM)从事时间频率计量、光电子和光干涉计量研究 , 以第一获奖人获国家科技进步一、二、三等奖各 1项。 2009年当选为中国计量测试学会常务理事。 2011年当选为中国工程院院士 , 2013年当选为中国仪器仪表学会理事长。现任中国计量院研究员、北京理工大学和清华大学兼职教授。目前主要从事铯原子喷泉钟、锶原子光晶格钟、伺服锁定光纤高保真传输频率、高稳定微波源和銣原子干涉重力仪的研究。发表主要杂志论文 50余篇 ; 主要会议文章 60余篇。
Li Tian-chu was born in China in 1945. Dr. Tianchu LI graduated from Tsinghua University in 1970, obtained his Master degree from the National Institute of Metrology China (NIM) at 1981 and PhD from Tsinghua Univ. at 1991. Since 1991 Dr. Li has worked with NIM on time & frequency metrology, optical fiber - photoelectron metrology and laser interferometric measurements. He was granted the National Sci. & Tech. Progress Award of China first class in 2006, second class in 2002 and third class in 1995 respectively. He was elected as executive director of the Chinese Society for Measurement in 2009. He was elected as the Fellow of the Chinese Academy of Engineering in 2011, director of the Chinese Instrument & Control Society in 2013. He is now the Researcher of NIM, Concurrent-Post Professor of Tsinghua Univ. and Peking Institute of technology. At present Dr. Li is interested in constructions of Cesium fountain clocks, Strontium optical lattice clock, servo locked fiber systems for transferring microwave frequency, highly stable microwave source and Rubidium atom gravimeter. He has published over 50 journal papers and 70 conference papers. |