Abstract:The composition and the principle of the calibration device about high temperature Tungsten-rhenium thermocouples is introduced. The vertical temperature calibration furnace as heat source, photoelectric pyrometer as standard, to calibrat the Tungsten-rhenium thermocouples. Through using graphite as furnace heating element and carrying on the design of its key structure, it can solve the uniformity of furnace temperature field, fixed connection of the heating element, and the inflation or shrinkage problem in the process of rising or cooling. In order to ensure the radiation temperature measuring accurately, it designs specially the structure of blackbody radiation. Througth analying and designing about the thermocouple protection tube material selection and structural, it solves the pollution problem about thermocouple at high temperature from the heating element volatiling, and adapting to the environment atmosphere in the process of the calibration of thermocouple. The results of experimental and uncertainty evaluation show that the relative uncertainty of temperature calibration results is within 0.6%t in 2 300 ℃, the calibration device can solve technical problems of high temperature thermocouple static traceability.
吕国义,张贺,杨永军,刘丹英,赵楠. 高温钨铼热电偶校准装置研制[J]. 计量学报, 2015, 36(6A): 12-16.
Lü Guo-yi,ZHANG He,YANG Yong-jun,LIU Dan-ying,ZHAO Nan. Development of a Calibration Device about Tungsten-rhenium Thermocouples in High Temperature. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2015, 36(6A): 12-16.