中国计量科学研究院, 北京 100013
Study on Course Radius Fitting Algorithm for Vertical Tank Volume Measurement Based on Internal Electro-optical Distance-ranging Method
TONG Lin,WANG Jin-tao,LIU Zi-yong,GUO Li-gong,BAO Xue-song,ZHANG Long
National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100013, China
摘要 介绍了可以用于立式罐圈板半径拟合的4种方法,即加权平均法、迭代法、最小二乘法和扇形叠加等效面积法。针对同一1000m3立式罐,4种算法分析结果与国际仲裁标准围尺法测量结果的最大半径偏差分别为2.05mm、1.48mm、1.46mm和2.12mm,所有圈板平均算数偏差分别为0.97mm、0.63mm、0.62mm和1.03mm,验证了4种方法的有效性,并分析了每一种算法的特点。
关键词 :
计量学 ,
立式罐 ,
容量计量 ,
圈板半径 ,
光电内测距法 ,
拟合算法 ,
Abstract :Course radius fitting algorithm is one of the key research contents of vertical tank volume measurement based on internal electro-optical distance-ranging method, which is to deduce circle equation for points set with circumferential distribution essentially. Four algorithms were introduced and analyzed, which are power mean method, iterative method, least square method and fan area superposition method. One 1000m3 vertical tank used as a test object, comparison experiment was carried out with strap method(international arbitral standard). The maximal radius error of these methods were 2.05mm, 1.48mm, 1.46mm and 2.12mm, and the absolute value of mean radius error were 0.97mm, 0.63mm, 0.62mm and 1.03mm respectively, which verifies the four methods. Applied characteristic of each method is described.
Key words :
Vertical tank
Course radius
Internal electro-optical distance-ranging method
Fitting algorithm
Comparison experiment
基金资助: 质检公益性行业科研专项基金(AHY0711)
作者简介 : 佟林(1980-),男,辽宁抚顺人,中国计量科学研究院工程师,硕士,主要从事容量计量科学技术的研究。tonglin@nim.ac.cn
佟林,王金涛,刘子勇,郭立功,暴雪松,张珑. 基于光电内测法的立式罐容量计量中圈板半径拟合算法的研究[J]. 计量学报, 2011, 32(6): 522-525.
TONG Lin,WANG Jin-tao,LIU Zi-yong,GUO Li-gong,BAO Xue-song,ZHANG Long. Study on Course Radius Fitting Algorithm for Vertical Tank Volume Measurement Based on Internal Electro-optical Distance-ranging Method. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2011, 32(6): 522-525.
http://jlxb.china-csm.org:81/Jwk_jlxb/CN/10.3969/j.issn.1000-1158.2011.06.09 或 http://jlxb.china-csm.org:81/Jwk_jlxb/CN/Y2011/V32/I6/522
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