Abstract:The international key comparison of CCM.P-K13 for 500 MPa range of hydraulic gauge pressure is described, and a piston pressure gauge with 2 mm2 nominal effective area used as a transfer standard is studied. The effective area of the transfer standard is determined at 10 different pressure points through cross-float equilibrium experiments. The effective areas at different pressures have nonuniform uncertainties and correlations with each other. The zero-pressure effective area and pressure distortion coefficient are calculated using generalized least square (GLS) method with heteroscedasticity and correlation being considered,and their uncertainties are analyzed.
杨远超,悦进,李燕华. CCM.P-K13传递标准的有效面积和形变系数及不确定度分析[J]. 计量学报, 2011, 32(5): 441-445.
YANG Yuan-chao,YUE Jin,LI Yan-hua. The Effective Area and Distortion Coefficient of CCM. P-K13 Transfer Standard and the Analysis of Uncertainty. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2011, 32(5): 441-445.
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