Abstract:The development trend of time and frequency dissemination based on GNSS and the status and future improvement of GLONASS were analyzed. GLONASS time and frequency dissemination was studied and its theory, realization principle, error correction and data processing were described. The basic method of GLONASS time and frequency dissemination was realized, the experiments results were compared to those of GPS time and frequency dissemination were implemented, and the performances were analyzed. The conclusion that GLONASS time and frequency dissemination can be comparable with GPS time and frequency dissemination was acquired.
梁坤,张爱敏. GLONASS时间频率传递研究[J]. 计量学报, 2011, 32(2): 172-177.
LIANG Kun,ZHANG Ai-min. Study on Time and Frequency Dissemination by GLONASS. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2011, 32(2): 172-177.
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