Abstract:Pulse forming network (PFN) can get all kinds of steep front impulse through charging slowly and discharging rapidly energy storage component.In order to improve the performance of PFN, the technical parameters that performance related must be measured.A comparative study is conducted on the three kinds of high-voltage divider——resistive, capacitive and capacitive resistor in pulse capacitor charge-discharge characteristics measurement.First of all, simulation study is carried out using Simulink software based on the analysis of its structure and operation principle, and then the three kinds of dividers are designed according to experimental demands, which are used for the charge-discharge characteristics measurement of high-voltage pulse divider capacitor separately.Simulation waveforms are compared to experimental waveforms, analysis results show that the resistive divider is better than the other two kinds of voltage dividers during measurement of pulse capacitor charge and short-circuit discharge voltage experiment.
王振春,王彩红,刘福才,王猛,李坤. 脉冲电容器充放电特性测量中3种高压分压器的比较研究[J]. 计量学报, 2012, 33(1): 57-62.
WANG Zhen-chun,WANG Cai-hong,LIU Fu-cai,WANG Meng,LI Kun. Comparison and Study on Three Kinds of High-voltage Divider in Measurement of Pulse Capacitor Charge and Discharge Characteristics
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