Abstract:The magnetic field distribution expression of one pair of round-saddle coils at any point in space is theoretically inferred based on the Biot-Savart Law, and the structure of the coils is optimized. The fact that the round-saddle coils can produce uniform magnetic field of a certain region is proved, and the partial magnetic field distribution of round-saddle coils is given quantitatively. The designed coils can produce uniform magnetic field of a certain area which is 28% of the axis area which the uniformity can be 1%, 10% of the axis area which the uniformity can be 0.1%. The maximum value of the magnetic field compensation of coils of one single round can be 15 nT in the current of 1 mA,and the relative deviation is less than 0.14 nT. Therefore the correctness of the magnetic field distribution expression is verified, providing the theoretical basis and reference for the design and research of the dimensional magnetic field compensation system.
赵伟霞,董全林,孙茂多,丁莹,杨娅姣,党玉杰. 一种圆鞍形磁屏蔽线圈的设计与性能研究[J]. 计量学报, 2015, 36(5): 540-545.
ZHAO Wei-xia, DONG Quan-lin,SUN Mao-duo,DING Ying,YANG Ya-jiao,DANG Yu-jie. The Design and Research on Performance of Round-saddle Coils for Magnetic Shielding
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