An Extraction Method of Steel Plate Surface Depth Information Based on Image Pyramid
LIU Yuan-jiong1,KONG Jian-yi1,XU Fu-jun2,HUANG Qian-de1,WANG Xing-dong1
1. MoE Key Laboratory of Metallurgical Equipment and Their Control, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430081, China;
2. Wuxi Courier Machinery Co., Ltd, Yixing, Jiangsu 214221, China
Abstract:To satisfy the requirement of both precision and real-time of traditional region matching algorithms, a region-based hierarchical matching algorithm based on the mean image pyramid was proposed combining with the normalized cross correlation method. The algorithm has been controlled efficiently through the parameters such as matching window size, the smallest eigenvalue, and the disparity search space, similarity measure threshold, etc. The extraction of steel plate surface depth information was realized by the ways of camera calibration of binocular stereo vision system and image correction based on equivalent standard epipolar structure. The experiment results showed that the algorithm yields better accuracy and higher efficiency.
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