Abstract:To investigate the moving objects in the situation of camera moving, a method that combines the scale invariant feature transform block feature matching with the local differential algorithm is proposed. The method can not only reduce the cost time of image registration and compensate the global motion compensation, which effects on the integrity of the image, but also detect moving objects accurately. Finally, the experiment results can provide its effectiveness.
王洪斌,于菲,李一骏,王跃灵. 分块特征匹配与局部差分结合的运动目标检测[J]. 计量学报, 2015, 36(4): 352-355.
WANG Hong-bin,YU Fei,LI Yi-jun,WANG Yue-ling. Detection of Moving Object by Combining Block Features Matching and Local Differential. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2015, 36(4): 352-355.
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