Measurement Method for Supercapacitor’s Serial Resistance Based on Goertzel Algorithm
WU Shuangshuang1, BAI Wenqi1, ZHANG Bin1, HUANG Guoliang2
1.Hunan Institute of Metrology and Test, Changsha, Hunan 410014, China
2.College of;Engineering and Design, Hunan Normal University, Changsha, Hunan 410081, China
Abstract:A new method for measuring the equivalent serial resistance (ESR) of supercapacitor based on the Goertzel algorithm and the alternating current(AC) injection method was proposed. In this method, the complex impedance of supercapacitor was firstly obtained by using the AC injection method. Then, by using the Goertzel algorithm, the phase difference between the excitation signal and the output signal of the supercapacitor is calculated to obtain the ESR of the supercapacitor. This method only requires calculating the spectral information of specific frequency points of the excitation signal, which significantly reduces the computational complexity compared to traditional Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) methods. The experimental results show that the measurement error of the Goertzel algorithm is equivalent to that of the FFT algorithm, both of which can meet the requirement of an error less than 5%. However, the computational complexity of the Goertzel algorithm is much smaller than that of the FFT algorithm.
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