Small Cesium Atomic Fountain Clock for Time Keeping System
JIN Shuanghao1,2,LIN Pingwei2,3,RU Ning2,3,MA Yanning2,3,JIANG Wensong1,LUO Zai1
1. College of Metrology & Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018,China
2. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
3. Innovation Center for Advanced Traceability Technology, Beijing 102299, China
Abstract:The small cesium atomic fountain clock has excellent long-term stability performance,and has the advantages of high reliability,automation,miniaturization and mobility.It has the potential to be realized as a mobile timekeeping clock in a vehicle-mounted form.It can be used as a node clock in a timekeeping atomic clock group to ensure accurate frequency and time signals.The developed small cesium atomic fountain clock NIM-TF3 has a frequency stability of 2.7×10-13@s and 5.3×10-15@one day.NIM-TF3 adopts an integrated laser system and integrated electronic control system,which can achieve long-term automatic continuous operation.It integrates the developed small microwave frequency synthesizer with the physical system,which significantly reduces the system volume and enhances the overall stability.and reliability.In addition,through evaluation,it was found that the second-order Zeeman relative frequency shift caused by uneven distribution of the C field is 7.3×10-14,and the uncertainty is 0.2×10-15.The overall volume of NIM-TF3 is less than 0.7m3,and it has the potential to become a vehicle-mounted fountain clock.
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