Abstract:In order to solve the problem that the correlation delay time τ of the traditional autocorrelator-based experimental system is too large when detecting the air free-field sound pressure, an anechoic box environment was built, a non-fixed-frequency-shift optical system, and a signal acquisition and processing system were designed for detecting the air free-field sound pressure based on the photon correlation method.The method decreased the step value of autocorrelation delay time (τ) to 1μs, reducing the measurement error of sound pressure by 0.2dB compared to traditional autocorrelator-based experimental systems.Finally, a comparison with the microphone method and the conventional photon autocorrelation method was made, and the results of the measurement of 106.4dB sound pressure in the range of 600~1200Hz showed that the maximum deviation of the proposed method for the measurement of the sound pressure in the air sound field was 0.6dB.
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