Abstract:The International System of Units (SI) is one of the greatest scientific, technological, and political achievements of recent times. After the formal introduction of the SI, it was necessary to accept the ongoing usage of some non-SI units because of their long history of previous use, despite this losing the benefit of coherence that the SI brings. This work reviews the history of non-SI units that have been allowed for use with the SI in successive SI Brochures, observes the rules that have been required for this use especially with SI prefixes, and notes that this set of non-SI units has decreased significantly as the SI has become more deeply embedded in modern society. The current situation, where a relatively small set of non-SI units remain accepted for use with the SI, is analyzed. It is observed that these non-SI units acquire quasi-SI status because of their listing in the SI Brochure. As a result, it is proposed that this set of non-SI units should be as small as possible and that clear rules for their use are necessary, most obviously with SI prefixes where the current guidance needs improvement. Historical precedent has been examined to assist in shaping these recommendations, which could be discussed and considered when the SI Brochure is next updated.
作者简介: 理查德·布朗(Richard J C Brown)是英国国家物理实验室(NPL)计量领域的负责人,他建议国际单位制(SI)引进ronna、quetta、ronto和quecto等4个词头,并于2022年11月被第27届国际计量大会(CGPM)采纳,现已生效。
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