3D Reconstruction of Blade Surface Based on Laser Point Cloud Data
SONG Jun-fang1,SUN Bin2,PU Yuan-yuan1,XU Xiao-yu1,WANG Teng-jiao1
1. School of Information Engineering, Xizang Minzu University, Xianyang, Shaannxi 712082, China
2. School of Optoelectronics Engineering,Xi′an Technological University, Xi′an, Shaannxi 710021, China
Abstract:Based on the four-coordinate blade surface detection, a 3D reconstruction method of aeroengine blade surface based on laser point cloud data is proposed. The laser displacement sensor scans and samples the blade surface from multiple perspectives, and quickly collects massive point cloud data of the blade surface. Using the mathematical modeling principle from point to line to surface, firstly fit the smooth NURBS curve based on the first-order guide vector continuity method at the end point, then construct the auxiliary plane to fit the NURBS surface according to the sliced energy method, and finally describe the sliced NURBS surface uniformly, construct an accurate and smooth blade profile, and realize the three-dimensional reconstruction of the blade profile. The experimental results show that this method can realize the three-dimensional reconstruction of various blade profiles well, and the reconstruction error is less than 0.015 mm, which can meet the measurement requirements of precision parts perfectly.
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