Evaluation of the Uncertainty for the Measurement of Surface Roughness by Low-noise Probing System
SHI Zhou-miao1,3,ZHANG Shu2,3,SHI Yu-shu2,PI Lei2,HU Jia-cheng1
1. China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
2.National Institute of Metrology,Beijing 100029, China
3. Shenzhen Institute Technology Innovation, NIM, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518132, China
Abstract:In order to improve the measurement capability of the existing stylus surface roughness measuring instrument, from the perspective of reducing the noise level of the instrument, a low noise stylus surface topography probing system has been developed.The probing system uses sample scanning, and uses a high precision capacitive sensor to measure the vertical movement of the stylus, thereby reflecting the true micro-nano topography of the measured surface, and achieves low noise level under nanometer-scale measurement.Ra is measured by the instrument standard sample and the uncertainty is evaluated.The results show that the uncertainty is 2.8 nm (k=2) for the Type C3 standard sample.
史舟淼,张树,施玉书,皮磊,胡佳成. 低噪声触针式表面粗糙度探测系统及测量不确定度分析[J]. 计量学报, 2022, 43(9): 1122-1127.
SHI Zhou-miao,ZHANG Shu,SHI Yu-shu,PI Lei,HU Jia-cheng. Evaluation of the Uncertainty for the Measurement of Surface Roughness by Low-noise Probing System. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2022, 43(9): 1122-1127.
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