Research on Change of Calibration Coefficient of Ultrasonic Flowmeter with the Amount of Enterprise Pollution Source Flue Gas in Six Typical Flow Fields
1. School of Electrical and Information Engineering, Jiangsu University, Zhenjiang,Jiangsu 212013, China
2. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
3. Zhengzhou Institute of Metrology Advanced Technology, Zhengzhou, Henan 450001, China
Abstract:Computational fluid dynamics is used to study the variation of calibration coefficient of ultrasonic flowmeter with different loads of the enterprise in six typical flow fields. The variation of relative standard deviation of calibration coefficient of ultrasonic flowmeter under different loads is analyzed under different path angle, pipe diameter, path layout, length of upstream straight pipe and pipe form. Through the experimental verification of the national stack flowrate standard facility, the results show that the relative standard deviation of calibration coefficient under different loads is less than 1%, and the stack ultrasonic flowmeter can be calibrated by single load calibration.
方昱雯,张亮,赵不贿,王池. 6 种典型流场中超声流量计校准系数随企业污染源烟气排放量变化研究[J]. 计量学报, 2022, 43(6): 753-759.
FANG Yu-wen,ZHANG Liang,ZHAO Bu-hui,WANG Chi. Research on Change of Calibration Coefficient of Ultrasonic Flowmeter with the Amount of Enterprise Pollution Source Flue Gas in Six Typical Flow Fields. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2022, 43(6): 753-759.
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