High Accuracy Temperature Indicators Calibration by Master Meter Method
LIU Wei1,LIANG Yu2,ZHAO Jing3,KANG Hui-wen2,JIN Zhi-jun1,QIU Ping1
1. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
2. Guangxi Research Institute of Metrology & Test, Nanning, Guangxi 530299, China
3. National Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan 610021, China
Abstract:A method of calibrating high accuracy temperature indicators using the combination of DC comparator bridges for measuring temperatures and DC resistance box as the standard device was proposed, which referred to the method of calibrating the instrument using master meter method in the field of flow and electrical measurement. The method was used to calibrate a high accuracy temperature indicator, and the measurement uncertainty was analyzed. The calibration results showed that the combined standard uncertainty of temperature indication deviation was 0.5~0.7mK in the range of -195℃ to 660℃. The accuracy of the standard instrument used in this method was higher than that of other existing calibration methods, and it could also be applied in a wider range of ambient temperature.
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