Experimental Study on Scaling Methods of High Accuracy Digital Thermometer Measurement Results
JIN Zhi-jun1,CHEN Wei-xin1,ZHANG Jun2,ZENG Yong-chun3,LIU Wei1
1. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029,China
2. Panran Measurement & Calibration Technology Co Ltd, Taian, Shandong 271000, China
3. Dalian Bocon Science & Technology Co Ltd, Dalian, Liaoning 116000, China
Abstract:The platinum resistance temperature sensor uses CVD equation, ITS-90 international temperature scale and polynomial equation for indexing, and uses high-precision digital thermometer to display the measurement results of different methods, so as to analyze the influence of different scaling methods on the measurement results of high-precision digital thermometer. The experimental research is carried out at -60~300℃. The results show that the scaling method has a certain influence on the measurement results. Under the condition of high-precision measurement, the stability and accuracy can be improved by selecting the method. The research of scaling method should be based on the stability of platinum resistance temperature thermometer and good accuracy of electrical measuring equipment.
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JIN Zhi-jun,CHEN Wei-xin,ZHANG Jun,ZENG Yong-chun,LIU Wei. Experimental Study on Scaling Methods of High Accuracy Digital Thermometer Measurement Results. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2022, 43(2): 201-204.
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