Abstract:The tripe point of water (TPW) is the most important defining fixed point in the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90), and its realization uncertainty is propagated the whole temperature scale. At present, different freezing methods are adopted to form uniform ice mantles in the borosilicate glass or quartz TPW cells to realize the TPW. Because the ice bridges can happen during the freezing procedure, which can rupture the cells. In order to solve the problem, the TPW cells with metal containers are developed. Using the principle of spontaneous phase transition of high purity, the TPW is automatically realized with a liquid bath. Comparison between the metal-cased cells and the borosilicate glass cell confirmed that the TPW cells with metal containers can meet the requirements for calibration of the standard platinum resistance thermometers and check for the other temperature sensors during the calibration intervals. The experimental results show that the temperature differences between the four metal cased cells and the conventional borosilicate glass cell are within 0.04mK.
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