Abstract:The stability of thermo-electric character in long term application of Au/Pt thermocouple, which is fabricated by a pure golden wire and a platinum wire, is a key to high accurate performance to in temperature measurement.Firstly, the thermo-elements were cut, cleaned, annealed, welded. Then, the thermo-elements were assembled to the thermocouples and were tested. The stability of whole thermocouples was proved within ±0.02℃ at Ag freezing point calibration, after ageing time of thermocouples was summed up to about 700h at temperature up to 965℃.The thermocouple measurement junction was constructed in three different ways: traditional type, mini-coil type and U shape type, the experiment results showed that the short-term stability is better for mini-coil type compare to U shape type applied to thermocouple measurement junction connection.
郑玮,汤磊,向明东. 高精度金-铂热电偶的制作和热电稳定性研究[J]. 计量学报, 2022, 43(2): 191-195.
ZHENG Wei,TANG Lei,XIANG Ming-dong. The Research on Construction the High Precision Au/Pt Thermocouple and its Stability of Thermoelectric Character. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2022, 43(2): 191-195.
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