Abstract:Infrared spectroscopy is widely used in the determination of fatty acid methyl ester content in diesel oil, and the detection ability and accuracy of this method have been studied. The limits of detection and quantification of fatty acid methyl ester in diesel oil by infrared spectroscopy were 0.0066g/L and 0.0220g/L, respectively, and the recoveries were 99.2%~101.3%. By evaluating detection limit, the method had good accuracy, could accurately and sensitively detect fatty acid methyl ester in diesel. The combined related standard uncertainty of determination of fatty acid methyl esters in diesel fuels by infrared spectrometric method was 0.0123, and the measurement result of fatty acid methyl esters was (3.960±0.097)g/L, under the condition that the fiducial probability was 95% and the coverage factor k was 2. The results showed that the sources of uncertainty were mainly derived from standard weighing and sample volume.
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