1. School of Metrology and Test Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
2. Zhejiang Keli Vehicle Control System Co. Ltd, Jiangshan, Zhejiang 324100, China
Abstract:Aiming at the poor real-time positioning effect of the traditional cooperative manipulator end-effector, AprilTag tag positioning was adopted to propose a fast positioning algorithm based on geometry to extract ROI. The algorithm uses a downsampling method to search the effective local range for macro-size targets, and establishes geometric constraints to extract edge pixels to accelerate the speed of target recognition. In order to verify the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm, a visual positioning system experiment is designed for the end-effector of the manipulator. The experimental results show that the speed of the proposed algorithm is improved to 40frame/s under the average relative error of corner detection is lower than 0.1pixel. Therefore, the proposeed algorithm realizes the rapid positioning of the end of the manipulator.
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