1. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. Hubei Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Wuhan, Hubei 430223, China;
3. National Institute of Measurement & Testing Technology, Chengdu, Sichuan 610021, China
Abstract:The classical correction model with the Wien and ambient-radiation-less approximations is not suitable for emissivity correction and uncertainty evaluation middle and low temperature infrared thermometry.The effective radiance temperature concept is adopted to obtain the emissivity effect model, with wide validity for measured temperature and measuring wavelength and its differential form with obvious physical meanings.The error using the classical correction model is discussed under the middle and low temperature measurements.The emissivity correction methods are described under different blackbody radiator traceable approaches in radiation thermometer calibration, and an example is given.The method discussed is suitable for the emissivity and reflected ambient radiation corrections and associated uncertainties calculations in the applications and calibrations of radiation thermometers and blackbody radiators.
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