Abstract:A magnetic shield system composed of three mutually perpendicular coils was studied. Biot - Savart Law is applied to analyze and compare the magnetic field distribution of rectangular shield system and circular shield system with the help of Matlab. The experiment data show that the performance of rectangular shield system is slightly better than that of the circular shield system. The conclusion can be applied in the design of atomic gyroscope, electron microscope and so on.
董全林,刘雪萍,范运强,徐晓斌,宋凝芳,张春熹. 矩形线圈和圆形线圈屏蔽环境磁场的效能比较研究[J]. 计量学报, 2014, 35(5): 484-487.
DONG Quan-lin, LIU Xue-ping, FAN Yun-qiang, XU Xiao-bin, SONG Ning-fang, ZHANG Chun-xi. The Study on Comparison of Environmental Magnetic Field Shielding Effectiveness of Rectangular Coil and Circular Coil. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2014, 35(5): 484-487.
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