1. Collage of Metrology & Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
2. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
Development of Outdoor Baseline Environment Parameters Measurement System Based on Sensor Array
Abstract:In order to ensure the accuracy of distance measurement, a set of environmental parameters automatic measurement system is developed, by deploying dense sensor array along the outdoor baseline, including temperature sensors, air pressure sensors and humidity sensors, measuring the air temperature, air pressure and humidity and other environmental parameters on the optical path, performing air refractive index correction. Using μ-base distance meter to conduct distance measurement experiments under different climatic conditions, the measuring distance is 144 m. Experimental results show that using the system to measure environmental parameters, performing air refractive index correction, distance measuring uncertainty introduced by air refractive index correction error is better than 3.0×10-7(k=2).
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