Research on Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on MPGCN-Resnet
YAN Shengli1,FU Hui2,LI Hao1
1. Guangan Vocational and Technical College, Guangan, Sichuan 638000, China
2. College of Electrical and Information Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou, Gansu 730050, China
Abstract:Rolling bearings are installed in various machine tools and other production machinery,and are prone to faults and failures,requiring continuous monitoring to ensure their safe and reliable operation.Therefore,a multiple parallel graphs convolutional neural residual networks (MPGCN-Resnet) is designed to complete the fault diagnosis of rolling bearings.MPGCN-Resnet consists of four parts in total.Among them,the time-frequency graph acquisition part based on cmor wavelet can complete refined processing of reconstruction and disassembly in various fault vibration signals.The feature acquisition part based on a multi-parallel network can improve generalization and accelerate convergence.The feature learning part under the residual structure graph neural network can utilize the residual structure to complete feature learning and can realize the in-depth exploration of fault characteristics of rolling bearings.The GAP-Softmax fault classification part can complete the effective diagnosis of rolling bearing faults.Comparative and analytical experiments are conducted on the accuracy and loss values of MPGCN-Resnet,IHDSVM-Alexnet and MSATM method under varying operating conditions and noise levels using the CWRU bearing dataset.The results show that the average fault diagnosis accuracy of MPGCN-Resnet for rolling bearings can reach 96.4%,which is higher than 91% in a -6 dB noise environment and greater than 90% when the load suddenly changes by 3×0.75kW.MPGCN-Resnet has higher fault diagnosis accuracy for rolling bearings in various variable working conditions and variable noise environments than the other two methods,and can alleviate the problems of increased parameters and excessive calculation.
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YAN Shengli,FU Hui,LI Hao. Research on Fault Diagnosis of Rolling Bearing Based on MPGCN-Resnet. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2024, 45(12): 1832-1840.
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