1. College of Metrology & Measurement Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
2. Jiaxing Metrological Verification and Testing Institute, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314050, China
3. ZF Transmission Technology (Jiaxing) Co., Ltd., Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000, China
Abstract:The focus area sound pressure scanning of a focused transducer is an important step in the measurement of its acoustic characteristics, while the traditional scanning path measurement is inefficient. A scanning path planning method based on the distribution characteristics of the focused sound field is proposed.First, the experimental scheme and principle are given, the focus area sound field characteristics of the focused transducer sound field are analyzed, and then finite element simulation analysis is carried out for the focusing transducer, according to the concentric circle distribution characteristics of the sound field, the corresponding areas of different sound pressure levels are obtained as the hydrophone scanning characteristic areas with the focus being 0dB sound pressure level. Finally, an experimental system is built,the experimental results show that the parameters such as -6dB focal length and width are consistent with the theoretical values and the measured values of traditional mechanical measuring mechanisms, the measurement accuracy is guaranteed and the measurement efficiency is effectively improved.
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