1. Key Laboratory of Measurement and Calibration Technology, China Institute of Atomic Energy, Beijing 102413, China
2. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:Based on the X and γ-ray reference radiation field of the primary metering station of ionizing radiation of Defense Science & Technology Industry, the radiation characteristics of j613r type GM tube produced by a manufacturer were experimentally studied. Combined with the CT imaging system of the National Institute of Metrology, the internal structure size of the tube was accurately measured, and the energy compensation for the sensitive area was carried out. The results showed that the tube can be used for dose determination in the range of 10.62μSv/h~161.52mSv/h. The optimal compensation area of sensitive region is 88%~90% with the central slit is opened, and 0.81mm Pb compensation layer is applied. After compensation, the deviation of 137Cs is within ±20% in the range of 48~662keV, which can provide measurement components for personal dosimeter.
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