Abstract:A sinusoidal waveform generated by digital-to-analog converter is actually a fundamental of staircase waveform. The quantization error of phase angle of this kind of the sinusoidal waveform is defined. Its intrinsic characteristics such as periodicity and symmetry are described and proved. The relative zero-point distribution is derived. The application of these characteristics in building of phase angle with higher accuracy is discussed. This zero-point distribution is quantization too with a width of 0.5H (H=2π/N) or 0.25H for odd numbers of N. In order to overcome the quantization error of phase angle, it is advised to the phase angler become an integer multiple, p, of this width, where parameters of p and N can be adjusted to such that an arbitrarily phase angle difference demand can be realized in principle within a specified uncertainty.
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LU Zu-liang. Periodicity and Symmetry in Quantization Error of Phase Angle of Sinusoidal Waveform Generated by Digital-to-Analog Converter. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2021, 42(7): 913-922.
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