Abstract:In order to solve the uncertainty evaluation problem of synthetic standard in measurement and test. First, the probability density function synthesis of simple two uniform distributions is carried out, and the two uniform distributions with different half-intervals are synthesized into trapezoidal distribution, and the two uniform distributions with equal half-intervals are synthesized into triangular distribution. Secondly, the expression of synthetic probability density function is given. The probability density functions of triangular distribution and uniform distribution are synthesized, and the expression of synthetic probability density function is obtained, and its image is drawn. The variance of synthetic distribution is calculated from the point of view of probability density function and the point of view of calculation of synthetic standard uncertainty respectively. The results obtained by the two methods are consistent, and the Monte Carlo method is used to simulate 60000 data which obey the uniform distribution and 60000 data which obey the triangle distribution. The curve obtained is completely consistent with the curve of the composite probability density function. The results are consistent and the correctness of the synthetic probability density function is verified.
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FEI Tian-hao, WANG Rui, BAN Ya, XU Xin-ping. Synthesis of Probability Density Functions of Two Common Non-Normal Distributions. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2019, 40(6A): 159-163.
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