Dynamic and static calibration of nanosensors based on macro/micro motion control
ZHANG Hai-bo1,KUANG Ye2,TANG Yang-chao2
1.Heilongjiang Provincial Institute of Measurement & Verification, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150036, China
2.Institute of Ultra-precision Optoelectronic Instrument Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin, Heilongjiang 150001, China
Abstract:To meet the requirements of calibration precision, calibration range and dynamic frequency response at the To meet the requirements of calibration precision, calibration range and dynamic frequency response at the same time, a macro/micro motion control method is used to drive the calibration device for fast, precise and wide-range positioning. the kinematics modeling of the micro-motion platform with static hinged/piezoelectric ceramic combination and the macro-motion platform with static pressure floatation/linear motor combination was carried out. And the transfer function of the platform is obtained. Two macro/micro control strategies, macro-follow-micro and micro-follow-macro, have been designed, simulated and compared. The experimental platform is built and the performance of the calibration device is tested. Experiment results show that the macro-follow-micro strategies has a higher dynamic response performance. Calibration device has the ability of 5 nm resolution in the whole stroke of 20 mm, and the dynamic frequency response up to 100 Hz in 0.05 mm amplitude in the sinusoidal frequency response, which can prove that the calibration device has dynamic and static calibration capability.
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