Abstract:In order to improve the absolute positioning accuracy of series industrial robots, the method of robot geometric parameters calibration based on axis measurement and iterative compensation is proposed. Firstly, robotic single axis motion trajectory is measured by the laser tracker and each axis position is computed by spatial projection method. Then, the actual parameters are extracted by the geometric meaning of the robot model parameters. The iterative compensation method based on distance errors is used to verify the results of the parameter calibration. Aifute ER10L-C10 industrial robot was used for calibration experiments and the experimental results shown that the maximum, average and standard deviation values of the absolute positioning errors are decreased from 4.215,1.932 and 1.437 mm to 2.979, 1.015 and 1.031 mm after calibration. It is proved that the method can calibrate the geometric parameters of the robot actual model quickly and easily and improve the absolute positioning accuracy of the robot.
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