Abstract:According to standard GB9254—2008,impedance stabilization networks (ISNs) are used when performing the common mode disturbance measurements at the telecommunication ports. ISN has four key parameters which are common mode impedance, voltage division factor, longitudinal conversion loss and decoupling attenuation. However the uncertainty estimation for ISN measurement results is not given in current standards. Therefore based on the measurement procedures, the uncertainty budget and results are given for the measurement results of the four parameters. The uncertainty can be directly used in the uncertainty estimation for common mode disturbance measurements at the telecommunication ports.
[1]GB 9254—2008 信息技术设备的无线电骚扰限值和测量方法[S].
[2]CISPR 16-1-2:2006 Specification for radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus and methods-part1-2: Radio disturbance and immunity measuring apparatus-ancillary equipment-conducted disturbances[S].
[3]陈炜.GB 9254—2008中电信端口测试用ISN的相关问题[J].安全与电磁兼容,2011,(5):26-29.
[4]JJF 1059—1999 测量不确定度评定与表示[S].