Abstract:Based on the new high temperature blackbody BB3500M and optical feedback control system, the fourth-generation national primary standard apparatus of spectral radiometry and color temperature are evaluated and established. The stability, uniformity, repeatability and measurement uncertainty of the apparatus are improved greatly. The measurement uncertainty of temperature was decreased to 0.64 K (k=1) when BB3500M blackbody is operating at 2 980 K, which is traceable to the Pt-C and Re-C fixed point blackbodies of NIM. Wavelength measurement range of spectral radiance and spectral irradiance are extended to 220~2 550 nm and 230~2 550 nm respectively, which meets the full wavelength requirements of CCPR-S1 spectral radiance international comparison. The measurement uncertainty of color temperature and distribution temperature is promoted to 1.6 K at 2 353 K and 2.1 K at 2 856 K
代彩红,吴志峰,欧阳慧泉,黄勃,于家琳. 第四代光谱辐射度和色温度国家基准装置的研制[J]. 计量学报, 2013, 34(3): 201-206.
DAI Cai-hong,WU Zhi-feng,OUYANG Hui-quan,HUANG Bo,YU Jia-lin. Development of the Fourth-generation National Primary Standard Apparatus of Spectral Radiometry and Color Temperature. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2013, 34(3): 201-206.
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