Development of Error Measuring Instrument for Broadband Current Transformer
JIN Haibin1, HU Zhiyuan1, LIANG Shengzhi1, REN Xiuwei2
1.Beijing Orient Institute of Measurement & Test, Beijing 100086, China
2.Shanxi Transformer;Electrical Testing Equipment Co.,Ltd, Taiyuan, Shanxi 030009, China
Abstract:Based on the principle of measuring small error current by current comparator, the embedded control module is adopted. The working voltage generated by the current signal from the standard current loop in the error calibration circuit of the current transformer is used to produce weak error currents with high accuracy, both in-phase and orthogonal to the working voltage, through a program-controlled conductance box and capacitance box. These weak error currents, along with the error current of the tested current transformer, are simultaneously fed into the winding of the current comparator. And then autonomous balance measurement is performed using a high-resolution digital null detector, achieving ratio error and phase error measurements for wideband current transformers within a wide error range of 0.00001% to 10% and a wide frequency band of 50 Hz to 1 kHz. Compared with traditional current transformer calibrators, this method offers advantages such as higher accuracy, a wider measurement range, and faster measurement speeds.
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