Study on Uncertainty Evaluation of Annual Performance Factor Based on Air-enthalpy Method
HANG Chen-zhe1,2,XU Ding-hua2,MA Guo-yuan1,ZHANG Hai-yun1,2,TENG Jun-heng2
1. College of Environmental and Energy Engineering, Beijing University of Technology, Beijing 100124, China
2. Division of Energy and Environmental Measurement, National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China
Abstract:Based on air-enthalpy method model expressed in direct measurement parameters, the uncertainty of annual performance factor (APF) was evaluated using Monte Carlo method combined with GUM. As air-enthalpy method is nonlinear and GUM is only perfectly suitable for the linear model, the rated cooling capacity uncertainty and the rated heating capacity uncertainty obtained using GUM were verified primarily by MCM, and the differences between results obtained by GUM and MCM were lower than 2‰. On this basis, uncertainty results of five different measurement conditions were given, and these parameters were used as the inputs of simulation. The adaptive Monte Carlo method simulation flow chart of APF was given, and APF uncertainty of an air conditioner was evaluated, the result was 0.09 kW·h/(kW·h)(k=2).
杭晨哲,徐定华,马国远,张海云,滕俊恒. 空气焓值法测量全年能源消耗效率不确定度评定方法研究[J]. 计量学报, 2017, 38(1): 34-39.
HANG Chen-zhe,XU Ding-hua,MA Guo-yuan,ZHANG Hai-yun,TENG Jun-heng. Study on Uncertainty Evaluation of Annual Performance Factor Based on Air-enthalpy Method. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2017, 38(1): 34-39.
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