The Design of High-precision Mechanical Vibration Measurement Instrument Based on Amplitude Amplification
YANG Ji-senZHANG Tian-heng,JIANG Hong-qing,ZHANG Xing-hong
Engineering Research Center of Mechanical Testing Technology and Equipment, Ministy of Education, Chongqing University of Technology, Chongqing 400054, China
Abstract:In order to detect the frequency of weak vibration, a method to measure the mechanical vibration is proposed with amplitude amplification, while a mechanical vibration precision measuring instrument is designed on the basis of it. When measured by the amplitude amplifying method, it means to amplify weak vibration amplitude and change it into an electrical signal by a piezoelectric sensing element, and then the signal is sampling by high speed A/D converter and FPGA hardware circuit, and time measurement can reach 0.061ns level under software interpolation subdivision algorithm, so as to realize high-precision frequency measurement.