Preparation of Reference Material for Quantitative Detection of Escherichia Coli
XUE Lei1,2,LIN Jing3,SUI Zhi-wei1,WANG Jing1,LIU Xiao-xia1,2, FU Bo-qiang1,ZHANG Ling1,HAO Lin2
1. National Institute of Metrology, Beijing 100029, China;
2. College of Food Science and Engineering, Shanxi Agricultural University, Taigu, Shanxi 030800, China;
3. Nanjing Institute of Measurement and Testing Technology, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210049, China
Abstract:The protective effect of freeze-dried protectant, homogeneity and stability of the escherichia coli reference material are verified by plate count method. The results show that the protection of the composite protective agent reach 53.19%, and it can effectively protect the escherichia coli during freeze-drying. After escherichia coli and the freeze-dried protectant mixed, frozen, dried and prepared a dry powder reference materials of escherichia coli,its shape, rehydration speed and homogeneity are good, and it can be stable for six months. The reference material can be used to quality control of food testing laboratory and evaluation of food test results.
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