Abstract:Considering the importance of leak detection to energy efficiency in urban water system, a new method to leak detection based on chaos theory is presented. The chaotic evolutional characters of successive users were used to detect pipe break or the leakage.By extracting the correlation dimension、Lyapunov exponent、attractor phase diagram and R/S analysis of hourly water consumption, the water time series of successive users were proved to be fractal and chaotic chaining relevant. On the basis, the different chaotic characters of booster and leakage were compared by phase diagram and the maximum Lyapunov exponent variation. Test results show that the chaotic characters are changed immediately when the booster occurs, and slow leakage can be discovered after two hours. Thus this method supplies new judgments to effectively amend water system in time and decrease the loss of water resource.
张琴,朱庆建,汪雄海. 基于混沌理论的城市供水系统漏损检测新方法[J]. 计量学报, 2013, 34(3): 256-271.
ZHANG Qin,ZHU Qing-jian,WANG Xiong-hai. A New Method to Leak Detection in Water System Based on Chaos Theory. Acta Metrologica Sinica, 2013, 34(3): 256-271.
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