1. China Tobacco Zhejiang Industrial Co., Ltd, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310000, China;
2. College of Metrology Technology & Engineering, China Jiliang University, Hangzhou, Zhejiang 310018, China
Abstract:To measure draw resistance of cigarette and pressure drop of filter better, a new perspective based on computational fluid dynamics(CFD) about critical flow orifice is studied. Three dimensional numerical simulation with the finite volume method and Realizable k-ε model has been carried out in order to get the internal flow phenomenon in critical flow orifice. Further research is conducted from the three parts: theoretical analysis, numerical simulation and experimental. Experimental data is compared with the experimental data of the volume flow rate of the critical flow orifice inlet which is measured in China Tobacco Zhejiang standardized laboratory, from the comprehensive analysis, CFO can maintain a constant volume flow rate at its front.
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